採購決標方式對於採購標的品質有明顯的影響,若能妥善規劃選擇,對於政府機關一般工程、財物、勞務的品質,均有提升效果。最低標決標方式易衍生出廠商低價搶標,造成品質不良、工期延宕,管理困難,甚至無法驗收等狀況;最有利標決標方式有評選委員公正性遭質疑、廠商標價不合理浪費公帑、決標案件品質未明顯提昇等情形。工程會爰於95年5月新創異質採購最低標方式,對於異質性較低者,可先採用最有利標評審作業,篩選合格廠商,再以最低標價格取勝,以提昇採購效益。本研究主要是採取文獻分析法對相關文獻理論進行探討,另 由於研究者現服務於水利單位,對異質最低標業務有所接觸,選定水利署作為實證研究對象,並採取參與觀察、案例分析及深度 訪查法進行研究。根據實證分析,發現目前公部門採用異質最低 標比率仍不高、異質性項目認定標準應再明訂、審查項目宜著重在專業技術或履約品質、及格條件採總平均在一定分數以上方式、無須建立複審查制度、廠商報價偏低仍需提出說明、異質最低標較最有利標具價格競爭性、異質最低標品質較同質性高等結論。根據以上研究發現與結論,本研究提出以下建議:具體明訂「異質性」定義,並期能以量化規範;建立異質性最低標合格條件以「投標廠商一定比例家數」搭配「及格分數」;訂定審查標準回歸由各機關自行依採購目標訂定;評估異質性最低標評審標準之複審查制度可行性;修正或新增異質性最低標相關法規命令,並訂頒參考範本供參;加強採購人員專業訓練,提昇異質採購最低標採購成效。 Method of Procurement Award will result in significant impact on the quality of procurement object. If the selection in under careful plan, it will provide an overall improvement on the quality of general construction, assets and labor affair of the official agency. Method on choosing the Lowest Tender as winning bidder has often lead to the competition in bidding companies in offering the lowest possible price and result in poor quality, construction procrastination, management difficulty and sometimes inability to conclude the project due to failure in final inspection; method using the Most Advantageous Tender will lead to doubts to the fairness of the evaluation committee and unreasonable bid price offered by the bidding company which could result in the waste of public treasury and lack of visible improvements on the quality of the awarded case. The Public Construction Commission will establish a new awarding by means of Lowest Tender in Heterogeneous Procurement in May 2006. For bidding party with lower heterogeneity, evaluation on the Most Advantageous Tender will first take place to select qualified companies before awarding the bid to the Lowest Tender to raise procurement efficiency. This research will mainly use document analysis to probe into relative documents and theories for research discussion. In addition, due to the researcher’s current post under the Water Resources Agency and knowledge in Heterogeneous Lowest Tender affairs, agency under the jurisdiction of Water Resource Agency is thus chosen as research subject for providing empirical evidence through participation and observation, case analysis and depth interview. Based on the analysis on empirical evidence, this research has come to the following conclusion: current ratio in applying Heterogeneous Lowest Tender by official agencies is still relatively low; standard for evaluation on heterogeneous items should be even more clearly specified; emphasis on items to be examined should place on professional skills or performance bond; conditions for qualification should be based on scores above a dictated average; establishment of reexamination system is unnecessary; report on unreasonably low bidding price is still required; Heterogeneous Lowest Tender is more price competitive than the Most Advantageous Tender; and the quality of Heterogeneous Lowest Tender is higher than those with homogeneous quality. Based on the above research discoveries and conclusion, this research will propose the following suggestions: clearly define the meaning of “heterogeneity” and standardize it with quantity; establish qualification standards for Heterogeneous Lowest Tender with “proportional size of the bidding company” along with “minimum passing score”; establish conditional standard establishment by various agencies in accordance to individual procurement objective upon the return of examination standard; evaluate the feasibility of the reexamination system of Heterogeneous Lowest Tender standard; amend or add relative Legal stipulations on Heterogeneous Lowest Tender and issue examples for reference; improve professional training on procurement personnel to raise Lowest Tender in Heterogeneous Procurement performance.