本文利用前入對古璽起源的研究成果與考古文物的發掘資料,試著將璽印的發源作清楚說明,並將這些資料視為探討商周之際璽印文字特點的主要素材;而以羅福頤先生《古璽文編》收錄字與近年出土的楚系簡帛文字作相互比對,兩者相較之下,得出相同、形近的例子相當的多,觀得出古璽文字與簡帛手寫書體的共通性,以了解璽印文字的特點,也再認應證王國維先生在《觀堂集木》中曾說古璽文字為六國古文的觀點。 In the present study, I reviewed previous studies and archaeological excavation materials, trying to clarify the origins of antique seals and the characteristics of words on the seals made at the Shang-Zhou dynasty. As a result, I found that many words on the seals made at the Shang-Zhou dynasty. As a result, I found that many words enclosed in the 古璽文編written by Mr. 羅福頤are the same or similar in shape as compared to those seen on the antique silks made at the Chu dynasty. This result shows the similarity between the words on the seals and the hand-writing words on the silks, which is consistent with the study reported by Mr. 王國維, indicating that the words on the antique seals are also commonly used at the time of six countries.