《幼學瓊林》是清領時期中國內地及臺灣兒童必讀熟稔的啟蒙讀物,風行日久,版式紛呈。然而,由於時空消長,人事更迭,各地刊行的版本流傳至今,猶如鳳毛麟趾,罕覯難得。歷來研究者針對是書之原作、增訂、改編者不吝著墨,或有心得,也不免掛一漏萬。筆者致力田野踏查多年,屢獲機緣善助,蒐羅是書流傳入臺的木刻本20種、石印本29種、戰後臺灣出版品25種,乃逐一歸納,詳加審視,同時援引臺地知見,旁徵內地傳承,撰成拙文,但願提供後來者摩娑解讀時另一個較為完備的觀察視角。 The Primer For Children was the most popular children's elementary textbook in Taiwan and on Mainland China in the Qing period. It has had a variety of versions and editions circulating ever since its publication. However, the existent editions are rare and how they were circulated is rarely investigated. The author of this article has devoted himself to the collecting and annotating of the book and as a result altogether 20 woodblock editions, 29 lithography editions, as well as 25 modern editions published after the Sino-Japanese War are collected. After looking into these editions published in different forms and at different times, as well as consulting related documents, the author is able to map out how it was circulated in Taiwan. This analysis can surely serve as a reference for those who are interested in the study of this book.