在東漢時期,碑額常用篆、隸書寫,其中以篆書書寫者稱為「篆額」,以隸書書寫者則稱「隸額」。 東漢篆額的重要性在於:要了解東漢的篆書藝術發展,除了瓦當磚瓦、封泥漢印、銅鏡銘文之外,篆額亦是東漢時期另一展現篆書藝術的載體。東漢篆額作品,字數少則五、六字,多則數十字,面目繁多,在藝術手法的表現上往往有著意想不到的巧妙性,給原已爭奇鬥艷的書壇又增添了不少光彩。這些篆額所透露的篆書藝術處理觀念、書法美學之價值是認識東漢篆額不可或缺的一部分,非常值得我們注意與進行研究。 對於東漢篆額風格類型之探討,本文從「?刻方式」、「排列方式」、「風格類型」和「字形特色」四大部分加以探討;東漢篆額的?刻方式,可歸納為陰刻與陽刻兩大類;排列表現形式,主要有橫排與直式兩大類型,或分為一、二、三行,其中以兩行為主要表現模式;並依其風格特點,將其區分為「婉秀」、「細勁」、「古樸」、「平穩」四大類型;篆額字形特色約可分為「近於漢印繆篆」、「近於說文小篆」、「結字與小篆不同者」、「隸書者」四大類型。 In the period of the East-Han Dynasty, the tablet-top was used to be written in seal or clerical type. It was thus called “seal top” or “clerical top”. The importance of the tablet top scriptions lies in: “Besides circular facades of the tile, mud-sealing Han seals and copper mirror inscriptions, the tablet tops in East-Han Dynasty offer another records to display the calligraphy arts.” The number of the words on the tablet top was between 5 to 10. The various ingenuity on the tablet arts threw much luster on the resplendent calligraphy. They revealed the concepts in dealing with the seal-type calligraphy arts, and were indispensable and necessary parts for us to completely understand the seal-type calligraphy at that time. It is worth noticing and researching.