台灣地區近二十年來,特別是1990年以後事故傷害的死亡率有相當明顯的下降趨勢,平均餘命亦因此隨之增加。由於死因變化而改變之趨勢通常是以死亡率表達之,但一般大眾對平均餘命的感受可能要比死亡率來的強烈。惟此二者之間關係為何似應作更進一步的探討,從而找出事故傷害死亡率消長對平均餘命的貢獻(或減損)趨勢。生命表方法正是銜接此二者之關鍵,生命表為測定ㄧ國國民生命力強弱之重要指標,可以瞭解ㄧ國國民健康水準及生命消長情況其平均餘命函數可以說明各年齡組人口預期存活之壽命。它是綜合一群實際人口死亡和生存經歷的最有效的工具,且有助於比較國際間死亡資料以及評估各國之死亡率趨勢。本研究擬以現時生命表技巧,連結統計相關軟體,探討近二十年來台灣地區事故傷害死亡率變化趨勢影響平均餘命獲得之情況並預估未來平均餘命獲得之趨勢及達成預期目標之年份。此外,我們亦將探討事故傷害對社會成本之影響,推算不同年齡層潛在生命損失年數及利用人力資本法推算工作年齡組(15-65歲)因事故傷害死亡所造成的社會經濟損失趨勢變化。研究結果將可提供政府推動事故傷害防制、安全促進施政及規劃衛生、福利預算分配之參考。又,本研究所提供之運算模式,操作簡便且有效率,當可推廣應用於中央及地方政府相關單位每年通報各類死因平均餘命之增減趨勢。 There is a declining of mortality rate of accident in Taiwan ,especially since 1985. The current life table gives a cross-sectional view of mortality and survival experience of a population during a current year . It is entirely dependent on the age-specific death rates prevailing in the year for which it is constructed. Such tables project the life span of each individual in a hypothetical cohort on the basis of the actual death rate in a given population. Based on current life table method , we will examine the gains in life expectancies with a reduction of accident in mortality in Taiwan for 1985-2004. In this study , we use Excel and SAS software to construct a life table algorithm for computing the gains of life expectancies due to the declining of mortality rate of accident . It is simple and easy to operate , could help central and local government for reporting the trend of the gains(lost) of life expectancies due to the declining (increasing) of mortality rate of important causes of death.. Also, considering the effect of accident on the social-economics attribute, we compute the trend of years of potential life lost and the loss of income at working age group during 1985-2004 by employing human capital method.