短期記憶及文字資訊轉換對工作績效影響與腦波(EEG)之探討在今日的社會中,各種文件?已廣泛地在電腦螢幕上被閱?,當人們在透過螢幕吸收文字資訊時,這些資訊的吸收?對大腦所造成的負荷會影響我們的疲??,而疲??又影響我們工作的績效,這些績效?是可以透過適當的訊息呈現方式的設計?改善的。在吸收文字訊息的過程中,我們常需要在大腦中轉換其字義,大部分的工作環境?要求工作者即時記住一些簡短的文字訊息,並將之轉換成有意義的資訊,一旦發生錯誤或延滯太長時間就可能引發危險。此外,人格特質亦是判定人與人之間共同性和差?性的依據。目前我們已經可以透過腦波(EEG)的測?與記??衡?大腦的使用?況,這種方式???因外界環境的變化而錯估?工作者所面對的壓?。因此,本研究將以人因工程的角?,探討短期記憶、文字資訊轉換,和人格特質對工作完成時間、錯誤次?、視覺疲?、以及腦波各頻?波段(α、θ)的功?之影響。國內外學者關於「腦波」的研究中,多是針對運動員腦波、電子工程、醫學工程等?域進?探究。相較之下,尤其是國內,對於應用腦波直接測?腦部活動之特性在人因工程方面,以評估短期記憶及文字資訊轉換對工作績效與腦波(EEG)的影響研究,尚屬缺乏,故本研究期望能做此方面的研究。本研究目的如下: (1) 探討工作記憶?對受試者作業績效的影響。 (2) 探討文字資訊轉換對受試者作業績效的影響。 (3) 探討人格特質對受試者作業績效的影響。 (4) 探討工作記憶?對腦波(EEG)訊號反應的影響。 (5) 探討文字資訊轉換方式對腦波(EEG)訊號反應的影響。 (6) 探討同人格特質對腦波(EEG)訊號反應的影響。 Effects of Memory Load and Verbal Transformation on working performance and EEG responses In the modern time, people are required to deal with numerous messages in the working time very often. The message processing usually includes memorization and transformation in order to simplify the present of information. The load of verbal message received generally plays a great part of both physical and mental fatigue, which is involved in the major factors of working performance. As far as the message received is concerned, we usually take rapid verbal transformation to specify the cognitions of some certain characters. Most of the environments in which we’re working provide simple characters and demand workers to take transformation. Serious failures and problems could happen when the load of either short-term memory or verbal transformation is overwhelming. Moreover, personality, which represents some certain attributions of subjects, is also a notable element of the evaluation of working performance and brain wave. Thereby, design of message presentation has been a critical factor of improving working performance. We’re going to acquire and record the data of working performance and subjects’ brain wave during the task operating. Based on the view of Ergonomics, this study will discuss the effects of short-term memory load, verbal transformation, and personality on the working performance and EEG responses. The objective of this study could be simply categorized as follows: (1) If short-term memory load influences the finish time and error number of the tasks. (2) If verbal transformation influences the finish time and error number of the tasks. (3) If personality influences the finish time and error number of the tasks. (4) If short-term memory load influences EEG responses in strength. (5) If verbal transformation influences EEG responses in strength. (6) If personality influences EEG responses in strength