在組織快速成長的過程中,資源和績效間因果關?性的模糊性、資源本身所具有的動態特性、資源彼此間環環相扣的高?複雜?等,將因為各?資源成長的速??同而?形複雜,也使得組織策?的擬定與實踐也?為困難。對自身資源的動態性與複雜性、以及資源組合與運用方式和績效間關?性的?解,也是組織發展動態調整其資源組合與運用方式的基礎。然而,相關研究對於組織在策?發展與實踐過程中,可能出現的動態性、複雜性、以及隨著策?實踐過程資源組合可能如何發展及應該如何管?等問題仍少有討?。在無法?解其動態性的情況之下,即使提出各種成長策?也無法做有效的驗證,甚至於對企業的資源是否應該越多越好也出現?同的意?與看法。針對現有研究對於組織在成長策?的實踐過程中,因資源的動態性與複雜性,而使資源組合?斷發展演變,乃至於影響組織的整體績效的過程討??足之問題,本研究希望應用系統動?學為方法和工具,基於資源基礎觀點,以組織資源與能?的演變過程為主要觀察對象,探討企業成長策?的實踐軌跡,以及該實踐軌跡和企業整體績效間的關?性。透過此計畫,本計畫希望能夠完成對(1)專業服務性公司成長策?實踐過程中,資源組合與績效關?性之動態分析;(2)建?專業服務性公司成長軌跡一般性模型;(3) 發展專業服務性公司成長策?實踐軌跡之動態設計架構。 Unanticipated changes in the economic structure of an industry may make what was, at one time, a source of any competitive advantage, no longer valuable for a firm, and thus not a source of any competitive advantage. To sustain competitive advantages, a firm has to consistently upgrade its pool of resources and capabilities, that means, appropriate time paths of relevant flow variables must be dynamically adjusted to build asset stocks required by the firm. However, the relative difficulty of deciphering causal relationships between firm resources and capabilities and outcomes that is claimed to be a significant barrier to imitation of a firm’s competitive advantage may frustrate the firm in leveraging of such competencies to gain and sustain strategic advantage as well. Taking a more dynamic perspective, this research aims to explore on how asset stocks are accumulated, mobilized, and developed over time and thus open the black box of the process through which particular resources provide competitive advantage. This research is focus on the growth dynamics of professional service firms (PSFs) to explore how critical human resource portfolio changes over time and how those PSFs under observation sustain or lose their competitive advantages in the growth strategy implementation process. A system dynamics model of a particular PSF will be developed first. And then three to four PSFs will be chosen to observe their growth dynamics to identify some essential relationships between human resource management policies and firm performance. Principles guiding the human resource management in PSF growth strategy implementation will be developed so that to enhance PSF’s dynamic capabilities.