殘?NAPL是含水層中常?且難處?之長期汙染源,目前常用之處?方法包括界面活性劑添加法以及氧化處?法等。其中界面活性劑添加法容?造成二次污染;而?同之氧化劑中,臭氧是一種兼具氧化效?以及傳輸性的試劑,其使用過程?需氧化劑儲槽且完全沒有殘?試劑副產物的問題,因此可被考慮為一種?色的整治方式。近??新興發展出可提升臭氧法效?的作法是?用微米氣泡?攜帶臭氧,其可提高臭氧溶解?,並提升其傳輸以及氧化效?。本計劃提出?用此微米氣泡?整治含水層中之殘?NAPL。計畫中規劃以土壤試驗槽?模擬現地?況,並測試比較NAPL在純水、傳統臭氧水及微米氣泡臭氧中之去除以及氧化效?。計畫中以?質區域之種?及大小、NAPL飽和?、臭氧濃?及?速等為主要變?。本計劃亦將?解微米氣泡臭氧在含水層之移動以及壓?特性。 Residual NAPL in aquifer is difficult to treat and serves as a long-term contamination source. Methods to enhance residual NAPL dissolution include surfactant flushing and chemical oxidation. Surfactant flushing has the drawback of adding another potential pollutant (surfactant) to the aquifer during remediation. Among various oxidants used for chemical oxidation, ozone is considered to be a green reagent since it does not need any chemical container during operation and does not generate any other reagent-derived products. A new method to enhance treatment efficiency of aquifer ozonation is to inject micro-bubble ozone, which increases ozone solubility. In this study, we propose to test the operation of injecting micro-bubble ozone to decontaminate residual NAPL in aquifer. Experiments will be carried out in the laboratory sand box, which simulates field aquifer conditions. Parameters that will be tested in the study include residual NAPL saturation, size of residual NAPL, ozone concentration, and groundwater velocity. Also, characteristics of micro-bubble movement will be scrutinized and characterized.