本計畫以1910-1930年代為考察的段落,聚焦於下列主題的探討:「王國維與中國現代學術評價標準的形成」。首先,以學者對王國維「古史新證」的評價為中心,重建學界對「新」、「舊」史學的討論及爭議,闡述民初學界對「新」、「舊」的標準和分際,是如何經歷一場觀念上的變革,最終才漸漸獲得基本的共識。其次,以學界「尊王」輿論的形成為中心,探討民初考據之風的興起,以及王國維在其間所扮演的角色,進一步揭示討論學術評價標準形成之原委及其過程。 This project will focus on the relationship between Wang Kuo-wei and the standardization of the academic criticism in modern China. Firstly, it will reconstruct what would most possible be the scholars’ reviews of Wang’s works concerning the ancient history of China, and figure out whether if Wang created a new approach to academic research as well. Secondly, it will also clarify how changed the scholars’ conceptions of the definition of the new and the traditional of the historical work, which were eventually integrated into a compromised standard. Moreover, it will reconstruct the common opinions about Wang’s contributions, and concentrate on Wang’s role in the rising of the textual criticism, in order to reveal the academic road that the modern Chinese scholars went through from 1910s~1930s.