本篇論文主要是研究Ba2-2XSr2XFeMoO6(X=0.0 ~ X=1.0)的雙鈣鈦礦氧化物(double-Perovskite)材料,利用Sr原子去取代Ba原子,分析其結構及物性的變化。 本實驗採用固態燒結法製作塊材,以Rietveld method測定結構,發現Ba2-2XSr2XFeMoO6其結構在X=0.0 ~ X=0.5為Cubic, 當X=0.6 ~ X=1.0轉變為Tetragonal。而晶格參數也隨著X增加而變小。其電性方面行為是為金屬性,此外X=0.1 ~ X=1.0其電阻率在低溫部份會達到一個極小值之後會再上升。這行為可能來自於磁性離子和傳導電子之間的交互作用,即所謂的近藤效應(Kondo effect)。 In this thesis, we study the structures and the physical properties of Ba2-2XSr2XFeMoO6 (X=0.0 ~ X=1.0) in double perovskite material, in which Ba atom is replaced by Sr atom. Our sample was mode by solid state reaction method and its structure was checked by Rietveld method. We found that the structure of Ba2-2XSr2XFeMoO6 was cubic for X=0.0 ~ X=0.5, and the structure was transferred to tetragoal for X=0.6 ~ X=1.0. The lattice parameters was decreasing as X increases. Its electric property behaves as metal, and the resistivity of the material will arrive at a local minimum in low temperatures. The latter result may come from the kondo effect, which is caused by the interaction between the magnetic ions and the conduction electrons.