在本篇論文中,我們首先提出一個新的thin-client-MVC設計樣式。根據此設計樣式,我們進而利用XML技術與Java2 EE標準設計出一個新的瘦身型主從式計算架構。本篇論文所提出的瘦身型主從式計算模式,基本上是揉合傳統主從式計算模式、利用瀏覽器作為瘦身型客戶端之主從式計算模式、以及利用遠端顯示技術所發展的瘦身型客戶端之主從式計算模式於一體的新型態作法。其關鍵則在於利用XML來描述客戶端圖形使用者介面與伺服端對應之企業邏輯,客戶端基本上不再受各種不同應用需求而增大程式,但此架構下之客戶端又遠比傳統瀏覽器具有極大的人機介面彈性與效果,同時又能分擔原來遠端顯示技術必須透過伺服端執行的所有計算工作。因此本架構乃具備上述各模式的優點,卻又不受其缺點之影響。在實做設計上,為了讓整個軟體架構能夠支援狀態記憶模式的通訊效果,以及可以應用於企業內/外網路與網際網路或無線網路環境上,本論文另外提出一個專屬的通訊協定TCTP(Thin-Client Transport Protocol)。此通訊協定不僅支援TCP連線作業同時也支援UDP的連線方式,以確保在連線品質較差的網路環境中也可以正常運作。本研究利用XML與Java技術設計而成,具有多項優點。除了具跨平台特性等Java原有優勢外,更重要的是由於資料以及應用程式是以XML文件形式傳輸,因此在本架構中我們可以進一步透過編、解密技術,保障企業資訊系統應用於網際網路上時,除了資料外,應用程式也無法被窺視的安全性。 In this thesis, a thin-client MVC design pattern is introduced. Based on the pattern, and the technology of XML and Java2 Enterprise Edition standard, we further propose a framework to support thin-client-server computing such that the framework can be used to develop thin-client applications under the Internet and/or Intranet environment with less effort. The model of thin-client-server computing proposed in this thesis is a trade-off between the traditional fat client-server architecture and the thin-client solution based on the technology of remote displaying. We use XML technology to define and describe the presentation logic of the Graphical User Interface and the mapping of the business logic stored in the server side. Following the proposed robust protocol TCTP (Thin-Client Transport Protocol), the presentation logic and the data are transferred as an XML document to the thin-client. After parsing the document, the user interface is shown on the thin-client. Furthermore, since the data and the application are encoded as an XML document, it is possible to protect both data and application transferred in the Internet by using corresponding encryption/decryption technology.