台灣各式的污泥數量繁多,若將這些廢棄物視為不可資源化的物質而予以拋棄,實為浪費資源。本研究乃選擇港區淤泥為資源化對象,並添加各廢棄物(玻璃粉、爐渣和集塵灰)來做調理,經壓錠成型後,在950-1150 oC予以燒結發泡。研究結果顯示:港區淤泥添加玻璃粉經1100~1150oC燒製後顆粒密度範圍為0.87~1.81 g cm-3,吸水率為1.5~5.5%;港區淤泥添加爐渣經1100oC燒製後顆粒密度為1.35~1.70 g cm-3,吸水率為7.20~11.48%;港區淤泥添加集塵灰於1100oc燒製後顆粒密度範圍為0.94~1.23 g cm-3,吸水率為4.73~6.29%。本實驗結果顯示添加各廢棄物燒製輕質骨材後之試體顆粒密度,經1100oC燒製後皆能符合一般輕質骨材之顆粒密度規範2 g cm-3以下,且添加玻璃粉有助於降低燒結溫度使試體表面形成玻璃化現象,吸水率因此明顯降低,如此燒製後之骨材可運用於混凝土中,使之與水泥磨合度更佳,混凝土也因此有較大的抗壓強度,兼具良好的輕質骨材特性,且經高溫燒製後各重金屬之M-TCLP溶出試驗皆能符合法規標準,對於環境未出現負面之影響,有效達到各種廢棄物資源化之效果。 關鍵詞:輕質骨材、燒結、發泡 This study investigates the characteristics of lightweight aggregates sintered from harbor sediment blended with waste (glass powder, electric arc furnace slags and electric arc furnace dust). A pressure of 6760 psi was used to shape the powder mixtures into pellets before the heating processes. The results indicate that adding the waste to harbor sediment with subsequent sintering at 950~1150 oC for 18 minutes can form aggregate. The particle density of the sediment containing glass, after being sintered at 1100~1150 oC, is in 0.87~1.81 g cm-3 range and the water absorption rate is 1.5~5.5 %. The particle density of the sediment added with EAFS after heating at 1100 oC is 1.35~1.70 g cm-3 and the water absorption rate is 7.20~11.48 %. The particle density of product containing electric arc furnace dust, after heating at 1100 oC is 0.94~1.23 g/cm3 and the water absorption rate is 4.73~6.29 %. All lightweight aggregate samples made from sediments added with different amount of wastes, which were prepared at 1100 oC for 18 min, can meet the <2.0 g/cm3 and 2~20% criteria for LWA in terms of particle density and water absorption, respectively. Leaching levels of trace metals including Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn, Se, Cd, As, and Hg from all lightweight aggregate samples are less than Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency regulatory limits.