本論文探討陳詩涵為電子琴創作的管弦樂自創曲《交響幻想曲》。此曲為交響式的幻想曲,以電子琴為演奏工具,彈奏出管弦樂團編制的音響,其風格如幻想曲般,自由地表現創作者個人的音樂思維。本論文分為五章:第一章為緒論,包含創作的動機、目的、問題、方法與範圍、使用的電子琴音響與機能。第二章為文獻探討,略述交響曲與幻想曲的傳統概念及樂思的體現。第三章是《交響幻想曲》之分析。第四章探討《交響幻想曲》的詮釋與演奏問題。第五章為結論。 This thesis is a study of Shih-Han Chen’s orchestral work, "Symphonic Fantasy" for orchestral electronic organ. This composition is an orchestral work in fantasy-style played on the electone. Like organ, the electone has three keyboards, two for hands, one for feet. The electone uses digital computer technology, and produces a sound similar to traditional orchestral sonority. This orchestral work expresses the composer’s artistic thinking freely both in form and music.The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, including research motive, purpose, questions, methods, content, definition and the function of the electone. The second chapter is a literature review, including the concept of symphonic fantasy, and the composer's aesthetics thoughts and composing ideas. The third chapter is an analysis of "Symphonic Fantasy". Chapter four discusses interpretation and performance issues. Chapter five is the conclusion.