本論文探討聖桑《第二號鋼琴協奏曲》。筆者曾在東海大學電子鍵盤管絃樂團的協奏下演出此曲。本論文以樂曲研究的方式加以探討。論文分為五章﹕第一章為緒論;第二章為作曲家生平事蹟之精簡文獻資料;第三章探討《第二號鋼琴協奏曲》之創作背景、樂曲分析和創作手法;第四章演奏詮釋與演奏問題之探討;第五章為結論。筆者在本論文中提出許多個人演奏此協奏曲的心得,包括演奏技巧的彈奏法、練習法及演奏問題的克服。 This thesis is a study of Saint-Sa?ns’ second piano concerto op.22. The author played it, accompanied by Tunghai University Electone Keyboard Orchestra.The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first one is an introduction. The second one is the literature review for the composer’s biography. The third one is the analysis of the masterpiece, including the composer's creation background, aesthetics thought and composing ideas. Chapter four discusses the interpretation and performance issues. Chapter five is a conclusion.The author expresses many individual opinions for the interpretation and performance, including the skills of playing and practicing, and the solutions of playing problems.