軟體在開發完成並交付給使用者驗收後,隨即進入後續的維護階段,為了延續軟體的生命週期,各種需求變更的維護作業相繼產生,而維護成本也隨之攀升,因此如何有效的提升軟體維護品質同時降低維護成本,已成為值得深入研究的議題。尤其是在大規模的作業環境下,如IC製造廠動輒上千台機器的連線程式或是服務業散佈於各服務據點的終端機程式,其軟體佈署更需耗費大量的人力資源才能完成。在進行分工後,再由統一且簡單的程序管理,來減輕工作的複雜度進而提升其維護品質,就成了當務之急。本論文實作一套軟體系統,協助軟體團隊透過本系統做分工與權限的控管,並配合自動化佈署功能,獲取品質與效能兼具的軟體維護方案。本系統使用MySQL資料庫,除了儲存相關的管理資訊之外,在釋出檔案前先備份於資料庫中,再做釋出的動作,如此可避免備份檔案遭到更改,而造成與釋出檔案內容不一致的情況,另外也使用XML元件作為實體檔案與資料庫之間的轉換媒介。 While software has been accepted by users, it enters the regular maintenance. In order to prolong the lifespan of software, which result in having multitude of operation maintenance and increasing cost as well to meet different kinds of change. Therefore, how to improve efficiently for the quality of maintenance, and to keep the relatively lower cost in maintenance simultaneously that is a key needed to study. Especially in large operation environments such as link programs in an IC fabrication for thousands of equipments or POS programs among each selling points in service industry, which count on more human resources to accomplish it. After the division of job, that is the most urgent case to manage it by regular and simple process, and to eliminate complexity and improve quality of maintenance. The author developed software system to help software team make the job division and control the privilege, and to get the quality and efficiency of software along with auto-function of deployment. These systems backup all data before releasing except for storage management by MySQL database that can avoid inconsistency between backup and the releasing data. In addition, XLM device is also adopted to be the intermediary between operation files and database.