Abstract: | 論文摘要本研究旨在瞭解臺中地區監獄、看守所公務員對政風組織功能及政風變革期望之看法,探討個人屬性在政風組織功能與政風變革期望看法之差?性,及政風組織功能與政風變革期望間之相關性,研究結果並提供為法務部改善政風組織功能及政風變革?考,提升廉政效能。本研究係採問卷調查法,問卷經預試修正後,以臺中地區監獄、看守所所屬公務員為研究母群體,採分層隨機簡單隨機抽樣(至三個監所各科室)方式施測,共發出615份調查問卷,回收有效問卷426份,有效問卷回收?為84.19%。調查問卷內容包括研究問題(包含對本機關政風部門工作表現、政風法令是否備全、設置專責肅貪機關、肅貪機關及政風機構應如何設置與節制、肅貪案件偵辦方式、政風人員配合跟監蒐證宜否賦予司法警察權、肅貪機關偵辦案件有無不當外力介入、風紀自清狀況、民意及軍事機關與學校不設政風人員等九項看法)、員工個人基本資?。回收問卷資?編碼後運用套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 17.0中文版進?統計與分析,先以遺漏值判斷法、描述性統計、極端組比較、整體相關係數、因素負荷量,加以綜合判斷,再輔以因素分析矩陣轉軸,調整構面及其下因素項目,復以Cronbach’s α係數進行信度分析,檢測值達到0.896屬高信度,隨後再以EXCEL及SPSS之t檢定、ANOVA單因子變??分析、皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關係?及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進?資?處?,經實證分析歸納結果如下:一、臺中地區監所公務員對政風組織功能看法平均有56.2%表示滿意?。各因素平均滿意度,以「政風功能」較高為62.6%;「肅貪功能」較低為49.8%。二、臺中地區監所公務員對政風變革期望看法平均有36.52%表示滿意?。各因素平均滿意度,以「政風工作設計變革期望」較高為51.0%;「政風組織結構變革期望」較低為22.0%。三、?同屬性公務員對政風功能看法之差?性,以工作階層、職等、服務機關等三項屬性具有顯著差?存在。四、?同屬性公務員對肅貪功能看法之差?性,以服務機關、?齡層、公職年資等三項屬性具有顯著差?存在。五、?同屬性公務員對政風組織結構變革期望看法之差?性,以年齡層屬性具有顯著差?存在。六、?同屬性公務員對政風工作設計變革期望看法之差?性,以性別、服務機關等二項屬性具有顯著差?存在。七、政風組織功能對政風變革期望看法的皮爾森(Pearson)相關係數為0.593,呈現中強度的正向關係性,且有顯著關聯存在。八、政風組織功能(包括政風功能、肅貪功能)對政風變革期望看法,有顯著預測力存在,以「肅貪功能」預測力較高為55.3%;「政風功能」預測力較低為14.7%。根據實證研究及統計分析結果,提出建議如下:一、廉政署.調查局應加強協調合作有效運用資源發揮分進合擊功能。二、廉政署首次晉用肅貪人員應多元透明公正選才。三、政風人員配合跟監蒐證時不可執行刑事訴訟法之強制處分權。四、建議法務部暨廉政署應設置政風部門以符表率正人先正己。五、建議修法於民意.軍事機關.公立學校可設置政風單位以端正政風。六、建議修法規範限制情治機關首長向總統陳報偵辦不法資料範圍 。七、建議廉政署辦案模式強化廉政審查會審查機制以昭公信 。關鍵詞:組織功能、組織變革、變革力場、廉政署、跟監、t檢定、ANOVA、雪費法、成份矩陣 Abstrct The purpose of this study is to appreciate the views and opinions of civil servants of Taichung District Prisons and Detention Center regarding organization function of government ethics and anticipation for reform of government ethics, investigate the difference of views and opinions with individual attributes towards organization function of government ethics and anticipation for reform of government ethics. The research results will then be offered to the Ministry of Justice as reference to help improvement organization function of government ethics and its reform, helping to enhance effectiveness of establishing a clean and honest administration.The study has employed questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is modified after it is pre-test, using civil servants at Taichung District Prisons and Detention Center as its research population, and hiepdfchical, simple, and random sampling (to each section and office of the three prisons and detention center) is exploited for implementation. In total, 615 copies of questionnaires are dispatched, whereas 426 valid copies are being retrieved, with 84.19 retrieval rate. Content of the questionnaire includes research questions (embracing nine kinds of opinions as work performance of government ethics department within the institute, if legal provisions of government ethics are comprehensive, establishment of specialized anti-corruption agency, how anti-corruption agency and government ethics institute should be established and check with each other, manner of investigation for anti-corruption case, if government ethics personnel working with evidence-collection of surveillance and tailing has been awarded judicial police authority, if investigation of anti-corruption case has encountered improper intervention, scenario of self-observation for proper conduct and discipline, and government ethics personnel not established at civilian representation, military institutes and school), and basic information of individual staff. Information of retrieved questionnaire is first encoded and conducted of statistic analysis with Chinese version SPSS for Windows 17.0. In the beginning, the information is conducted of comprehensive determination with missing value judgment, descriptive statistics, extreme group comparison, overall correlation coefficient, and factor loading, and then they are supplemented with factor analysis matrix for rotation, helping to adjust their aspects and their following factor items. Afterwards, it is conducted with Cronbach’s α for reliability analysis, with test value reaching as high as 0.896. Henceforth, it is again resorted to statistic methods as t-test with Excel and SPSS, analysis of one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, and multi-regression analysis for information processing. After substantive analysis, results are concluded as follows: 一、Civil servants of Taichung District Prison and Detention Center are found with an average of 56.2% satisfaction towards organization function of government ethics; as for average satisfaction for each factor, it is found that “function of government ethics” shows with higher satisfaction at 62.6%, while “anti-corruption function” shows relatively lower satisfaction at 49.8%. 二、Civil servants of Taichung District Prisons and Detention Center are found with an average of 36.52% satisfaction towards anticipation of reform with government ethics; as for average satisfaction for each factor, it is found that “anticipation for designed reform with work of government ethics” show with higher satisfaction at 51.0%, while “anticipation for reform with organizational structure of government ethics” shows relatively lower satisfaction at 22.0%. 三、For civil servants of different attributes, they are found with different opinions for functions of government ethics, and prominent difference can be easily observed from the three separate attributes as work hiepdfchy, job ranking, and institute of service. 四、For civil servants of different attributes, they are found with different opinions for functions of anti-corruption, and prominent difference can be easily observed from three separate attributes as institute of service, age group, and seniority of public service. 五、For civil servants of different attributes, they are found with different opinions for reform with organizational structure of government ethics, and the attribute of age group is found prominent difference. 六、For civil servants of different attributes, they are found with different opinions for anticipation of designed reform with work of government ethics, and prominent difference can be easily observed from two separate attributes as gender and institute of service. 七、The Pearson correlation coefficient of organization function of government ethics against anticipation of reform with government is 0.593, showing medium-intense positive correlation, and it is found with prominent correlation. 八、It is found that organization function of government ethics (including function of government ethics, and anti-corruption function) displays rather prominent estimation towards the anticipation of reform with government ethnics; “anti-corruption function” shows higher estimation as 55.3%, while “function of government ethics” shows relatively lower estimation as 14.7%. Based on substantive study and results of statistic analysis, suggestions are put forth as follows: 1. Administration of anti-corruption should strengthen concerted cooperation, and effectively make use of resource to demonstrate the function of collaborative strike. 2. When administration of anti-corruption first appoints anti-corruption personnel, it should recruit talents through transparent and diversified channels. 3. Personnel of government ethics, who work with surveillance and tailing, should not exploit compulsory enforcement rights with criminal prosecution law 4. It is suggested that the Ministry of Justice and administration of anti-corruption should first establish government ethic department as exemplification for observing conduct and discipline 5. It is suggested that law modification is conducted so that department of government ethics can be established at civilian representation authority, the military, and public school to right government ethics. 6. It is suggested that law modification is conducted that constrain director of intelligence authority reporting to the president regarding scope of information with investigation on illegality. 7. It is suggested that administration of anti-corruption should strengthen its review mechanism with its anti-corruption review committee regarding its model of case investigation so as to show good faith. Keywords: organization function, organization reform, force field of change, Administration against Corruption, surveillance and tailing, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe method, component matrix |