本論文試圖透過比較台灣與新加坡在1990年代推動全球城市策略的過程,從「國家再疆域化」的角度去理解當前發展型國家在經濟全球化時代下所面臨的挑戰。本研究認為,發展型國家應當被視為一組相關制度的組合,並且被放在國家與資本的關係、國家與社會的關係這兩組關係中去理解。而全球城市策略的推動過程對發展型國家所造成的挑戰是國家的統治疆域與資本的運作範圍未必能維持重合,而國家與社會之間的關係又受到隨著經濟全球化所帶來的政治效應所挑戰著。本研究將台灣與新加坡的歷史發展分為1990年代以前的快速工業化時期,以及1990年代以後的經濟全球化時期。在1990年代以前,發展型國家是透過國家干預與威權政治的建立來推動快速工業化,但是到了1990年代以後,發展型國家雖然想透過全球城市策略的推動來維持國家經濟優勢,但資本運作的空間卻已超越國家疆域之外,而經濟全球化也加深了國家內部的政治緊張。最後,透過台灣與新加坡的比較,本研究指出,「國內政治結構」對國家疆域化過程的影響至為關鍵。因為,隨著經濟全球化,不管是高科技產業或金融產業的運作空間都早已超越昔日發展型國家的控制疆域,但國內政治體制的差異、民主轉型與否的差別,卻讓台灣與新加坡政府在面對國內社會因為經濟全球化所帶來的緊張關係時,採取了不同的回應方式。 Drawing from the reflection on state theory, state rescaling, and urban governance restructuring in Taiwan and Singapore, the main purpose of this dissertation attempts to investigate the challenge of contemporary developmental state. The main research question is to explore the role of the "Globalizing City Strategy" in shaping the process of re-territorization of state and effecting the national politics. To proceed, using the 1990s as a cutting point, this study periodize the historical development of Taiwan and Singapore into two stages: fast industrialization (1960s to 1980s) and economic globalization (from the early 1990s onward). Previously, the fast industrialization depended on the state intervention and the political authoritarian regime. And this is where developmental states stands. But after 1990s, the globalization of production networks enforced the state use the "Globalizing City Strategy" as a new economic policy to maintain its economic advantage. However, this strategy also brought about a political conflict. In this research, I argue that the difference of political structure between Taiwan and Singapore makes the governments have different reaction to the political conflict and reshape the process of re-territorization.