近幾年來,台灣的經濟快速發展,生活品質也跟著提升,社會大眾對於健康的要求也愈來愈高與嚴格,因此醫院的重要性漸漸增加;在醫療服務產業中,護理人員為第一線照顧病患的人員,而護理人員是醫院重要的資產,約佔組織人力的百分之五十四的比率,是醫療組織中數量最多也是與病人接觸時間最多的專業人員。因此護理人員之工作表現對於照護病患的健康安全與組織整體發展的良莠有直接影響關係存在。本研究以中部某醫院之護理人員為研究對象,共發出200份問卷,回收198份,其研究目的為探討護理人員工作壓力的來源,以及背景因素與工作內容與工作壓力的相關性。本研究是採用問卷調查法,利用問卷蒐集資料,而問卷是採用學者鄭雅文之問卷。所有量表除個人背景因素之外,其餘衡量尺度皆為李克特(Likert)五點加總尺度法。分析工具則有信度分析、敘述性統計、相關分析與單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現:護理人員感受壓力來源的構面除了「對服務對象疲勞」與「社會支持」兩構面之外,其餘構面護理人員均有感受到壓力。其他的如每週工作時數、工作負荷量的感受與年齡皆會影響到工作壓力。而每週工作時數愈長、工作負荷量的感受愈高、年紀愈輕其工作壓力會較大。本研究所調查的單位裡,以門診大樓1F服務台服務的護理人員的工作壓力為最低,其他單位相對而言工作壓力都比較高。 In recent years, the economy of Taiwan has grown rapidly. The requests of quality of Life have become so strong that people pay more attention to their health care. As the results, the operation of hospital becomes more important than ever before. In the medical services industry, nurses are the personnel in the forefront to take care of patients. On average, nurses account for about 54% of working staff in one hospital. These people are the professionals who spend the most working hours to serve the needs of patients. Therefore, the performance of the nurses directly affect the patient's health and safety and the overall development of the hospital.In this study, our research targets are the nurses of one chosen hospital in Taichung city. 200 questionnaires were sent out and 198 replied. The purpose of the research is to investigate the sources of job stress among nurses as well as the relevance between the job stress and the job contents. We adopt a revised version of Yawen Cheng’s questionnaire as our research method to collect relevant data. Scales of measurement are Likert Five-Point Scales. The analysis tools used are the descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and ANOVA.The results show that the nurses perceive the stress from all the dimensions except "target fatigue" and "social support", such as “the weekly working hours”, “the amount of the working loadings”, and “age.” Nurses who have more weekly working hours, heavier working loading, or younger age tend to have more job stress. The nurses in the outpatient building 1F exhibit lower job stress than ones in the other departments in this study.