過去有學者指出關係慣性對於顧客留存的重要性。然而,文獻中對於關係慣性之前因探討卻少有著墨。因此,本研究從規範信念、轉換成本、以及人格特質觀點,探討消費者如何進入關係慣性的軌道中。本研究以301位使用行動電信公司服務之消費者為研究樣本,並進行實證分析。結果顯示,?述性規範、程序型轉換成本、關係型轉換成本,及外控型人格皆會正向影響關係慣性,而財務型轉換成本對關係慣性則沒有影響;另外,關係慣性能降低消費者的轉換意圖。最後,相較於低關係品質情況下,較高的關係品質能加強關係慣性對轉換意圖的影響。 Prior study has indicated that relationship inertia is an important factor on customer retention. However, few studies focus on the antecedents of relationship inertia. Therefore, this article draw on normative beliefs, switching costs, and personality to understand what motivates consumers engage in relationship inertia.We tested on data collected from 301 consumers who use the telecommunication service. The results indicate that the influenced of descriptive norm, procedural switching costs, relational switching costs, and personality on relationship inertia are positively increasing; although the financial switching costs had no influence on relationship inertia. And the influence of relationship inertia on switching intention decreases. Furthermore, relationship inertia significantly decreases switching intention under conditions of high relationship qualities.