Abstract: | 由於儀器產品無法短時間內在功能上研發創新,為?提升市場佔有率與競爭力,造形改變可以創造更多機會。因此本研究建構一個以模糊決策(Fuzzy decision)為基礎的產品造形開發模式,應用於手持式電子儀器之造形設計。研究上,首先歸納電子儀器造形特徵項目,進行造形文法(Shape grammar)推導,在方法上,輔以模糊理論以改善決策之周延性,藉由模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)找出造形特徵之重要度權重;模糊品質機能展開法(Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment, FQFD)探討造形特徵(顧客需求)與造形文法(技術需求)關係矩陣;模糊綜合評價(Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model, FSEM)進行構想方案之評估,以發展一套適合電子儀器之造形設計輔助系統之建構為方向。本研究具體完成下列目標:1.建立造形特徵資料庫,建構電子儀器造形設計輔助系統。2.由電子儀器之造形特徵,套用造形文法分析變化法則,作為設計參考依據。3.利用模糊層級分析法與模糊品質機能展開法,提出造形設計準則,訂定造形設計方針。4.利用產品造形改良模式,進行電子儀器─壓力計之造形重新設計,並以模糊綜合評價,驗證本研究模式為一連貫可依循的產品造形設計方法,確保最終成果朝向顧客所需思考,進而提升設計效?。 In a short time, the innovative function in instrument products could not be researched and developed, but we could change the shape of products by design that creates more opportunities and increases market competitiveness. In this study, a development model of the product shape is constructed based on fuzzy decision for shape design in portable electronic instruments. First of all, the research summarizes form features of electronic instruments, and analyzes rules from the concept of shape grammar. Second, the research utilizes fuzzy theory in three methods that makes the decision considerately, including analyzing the weight of form features by the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), exploring relationship matrixes between form features (customer’s demand) and rules of shape grammar (technical requirements) by the Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD), estimating the programs of inferential results by the Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model (FSEM). Finally, the direction of this research develops an auxiliary system of shape design for electronic instruments. The following goals have been completed in this research:1.It establishes an object-database of form features, and constructs an auxiliary system of shape design for electronic instruments.2.Apply shape grammar to analyze rules between form features changing, as the references of design.3.By utilizing the FAHP and FQFD method, proposed the guidelines of shape design. Help designers make the direction of choice when thinking ideas.4.According to the model that proposed from this study, the product of the pressure meter would be re-designed. By utilizing the FSEM method, it proves the practicality and feasibility of this shape design development approach. Ensure that designers could think towards the customer needs, and improve the design efficiency. |