隨著社會及經濟的進步,民生所得及生活水平的提昇,使得消費行為出現了變動。消費者消費方式,已有別於過去滿足生理上的需求,漸漸朝向心靈上的滿足。也就是購買產品背後的動機,已經不再是單純的為解決生活的需求,而是滿足某種心靈深處情感波動的需要。這是一種新的消費方式,屬於情緒與感動的消費。消費者要求不僅要看到產品有「感覺」,還要能從中體悟與「感悟」到什麼,進而產生「感動」。前Sony執行長出井伸之提及,感質(qualia)為構成人類感覺的一種獨特質感,心靈感動,讓人留下一生難忘的記憶,透過感覺、經驗、記憶、追求「幸福的感覺」;再將之寄託於「有形」的物體上,讓人們留下驚奇和感動。2009年經濟部中小企業處實施了一系列的感質中小企業推動計畫,其中提到感質(Qualia)代表著喜悅與幸福,是台灣邁向生活大國最重要的軟實力,更是打破微利時代的重要關鍵,中小企業處希望藉由感質的推動,來增強企業的競爭力。顯示商品的感質對消費者而言,是一種無法取代且影響甚大的關鍵因素。然而不只是商品,良好的服務感質也能打動消費者的心,讓消費者產生心靈上的感動。 本研究透過文獻探討與深度訪談,瞭解感質如何在感質接收人員(消費者)心中形成,並歸納建置一消費者對商品或服務的感質評估架構。透過深度訪談,探討感質傳遞人員(設計者)如何傳遞商品或服務的感質。最後從感質接收與傳遞人員訪談資料中,找到可能使感質傳遞發生偏誤的三個過程,分別為產品意象與感質的形成、感質傳遞與接收,及感質評估三個階段。 In modern society, it is aware of that consumer behavior has changed. It is along with the development on society and economy in many years. Consumers' behaviors are not just purely on the basic demand but with upgrading on people’s income and living standard. Further more , it goes into a deeper level-psychological satisfaction. The new consumption pattern called “feeling” and “touching” is a motivation behind the purchase of products to fulfill the needs in our deep heart. Consumer (customer) might have “perception” at the first sight on the product, then they could give rise to the “feelings” from the experience by using it, and finally “touching” arise spontaneously. The plan of “qualia” strategy of small and medium-size enterprises' promoted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Ministry of Economic Affairs, (SMEA) in 2009 is focusing on keeping and increasing the competitiveness of these enterprises. The key concept “qualia” represents happiness and gratification, might be one of the critical “soft power” and element to improve or even enhance the enterprise competitive. It shows that the qualia of goods and services is more important to consumer than it's practicability. This research is to understand the process of how “qualia” concept formed in consumer’s mind, and how they estimate this “qualia”. This research is also trying to build a framework for the consumer to estimate the qualia level on goods and services through literature review and interview. By deeply interview between qualia receiver and deliver to get further study on how qualia designers pass the sense to their consumers and find out that there are some delivery errors occurred during these processes. There are three stages delivery errors in this processes; forming of image and qualia of product, qualia transferring and receiving, and qualia estimation in consumer’s mind.