近年來,政府不斷推動節能減碳的行動,使得人人幾乎都有基本的綠色消費概念。本研究主要探討大專院校在學學生的綠色消費概念的狀況,先進行深度訪談,再將訪談結果與既有研究的論述發展成問卷,問卷發放的對象是大學部與推廣部學生。研究結果顯示,「性別」的不同,確實會影響到綠色消費概念的變數-「重複使用」、「資源回收」;是否純粹在學(大學部與推廣部)的差異,確實會影響到綠色消費概念的變數-「拒用」、「重複使用」、「資源回收」。 Recently, government’s initiations on carbon-reduction and energy-preservation have imprinted certain basic concepts of green consumption in most citizens. This study explores the green-consumption concepts of undergraduate students. In-depth interviews were conducted on several students at Tunghai university. A questionnaire was made of the results of interviews and the existent arguments. The questionnaire has been issues to undergraduate and promotion department students. The results of this study indicated that sex has significantly difference levels with the green consumption concepts of Reuse and Recycle. Students who are mainly on campus, the undergraduate, are different from the other students in the green consumption concepts of Refuse, Reuse and Recycle.