本文主要在評估30家軍品釋商科專廠商之執行績效,並以98家非科專廠商為對照組,透過128份問卷回覆資料與中科院所提供的軍品釋商次級資料,利用Mann-Whitney差異性檢定、分類變數資料包絡分析法( Categorical Variable Data Envelopment Analysis,簡稱CAT DEA )及網絡資料包絡分析法( Network Data Envelopment Analysis,簡稱Network DEA)進行實證分析, 茲將重要發現歸納如下:(1)在技術移轉五大構面中,發現軍品釋商廠商在知識分享、跨組織學習、共同生產、技術移轉有效性等四個構面之強度,顯著高於非科專樣本群,而在知識內隱性構面則不具顯著差異;此實證結果顯示政府所推動之科專計劃,已顯著發揮技術移轉之綜效。(2)利用128份問卷調查回覆資料,選擇員工人數為投入項,是否參與科專計畫為分類變數,技術移轉五構面為產出項,進行CAT DEA績效評比;實證結果顯示,軍品釋商廠家平均技術效率(0.704)顯著高於非科專樣本群平均效率(0.382)。(3)利用Network DEA,將軍品釋商科專執行績效,拆解為技術創造效率與價值創造效率兩種構面指標;實證結果發現,價值創造效率(平均值為0.789)顯著高於技術創造效率(0.6124),而整體平均效率為0.70,表示尚有30%之效率改善空間。(4)軍品釋商樣本群中,落在效率邊界之標竿企業,計有友齊、六俊、億威、合勤、千附、柏夫、傑大、全特、雷虎、寶一、誼山等十一家公司。(5)整合本文之實證結果,發現經濟部所推動之軍品釋商科專計劃,已彰顯相當程度之執行績效。 This Research is to evaluate the performance efficiency of technological development program by comparing 30 military R&D supported company with 98 non-military R&D supported company. The paper will argue that based on three theories : Mann-Whitney Difference Test、Categorical Variable Data Envelopment Analysis(abbreviated as CAT DEA) and Network Data Envelopment Analysis (abbreviated as Network DEA) . The questionnaire and the secondary data provided by CSIST are also applied to approach analysis. The analysis shows that : (1) Among the five dimensions of technology transfer, the military R&D supported corporation has higher strength than the compared group in knowledge sharing、Inter-organizational Learning、co-production and the effectiveness of knowledge transfer dimensions. There is no apparent difference in tacit knowledge. It means that the technological development program derived by government has obvious benefit in knowledge transfer.. (2) To choose employees as input item, whether or not attended technology development program as categorical variable input item, five dimensions of knowledge transfer as output items in 128 questionnaire, CAT DEA is used to evaluate technical efficiency. The average technical efficiency of researched group is 0.704, apparently higher than 0.382 of the compared group. (3) The performance efficiency of Military R&D Supported corporation is divided into technology creation efficiency and value creation efficiency indicators based on Network DEA. The value creation efficiency (0.789) is better than the technology creation efficiency (0.612). The average efficiency is 0.70 in total. There are 30% of efficiency remained to be improved. (4) There are 11 corporations in the best benchmark of decision-making units for the military R&D supported corporation. The empirical analysis comes to a conclusion that the technological development program derived by the government has brought apparently beneficial result of project performance.