近年因石油價格高漲,各大汽車品牌紛紛推出省油、環保之車型,其中柴油車與電混合車是目前的兩大主流。歐洲國家持續不斷改良柴油車款,使其更為環保,柴油車款甚至因省油,環保,高扭力輸出的特性,使其於歐洲國家市場市佔率節節升高達40%之譜,然而全球第二大市場的中國大陸,政府單位則以稅捐的減免與費用獎勵來促進新能源車的開發。可見這股新替代能源與節能的潮流於汽車市場將愈形重要。本研究依據消費者行為理論的EBK模式,問卷調查對象針對台灣汽車市場的已購車主,試圖了解車主對於替代能源車款的產品屬性認知與購買意願,本研究以多類別邏輯斯迴歸模式分析產品屬性變數對柴油車購買意願之影響。 The oil price keeps rising recent years, most of automobile debut the vehicles which have the energy saving and environment protecting function. The diesel engine and hybrid engine vehicles take the major market share of this trend. In Europe, lots of country keep improving the diesel engine vehicles and make it more and more environmental protection, moreover, the diesel engine vehicles have energy saving and environment protection character and have reach market share 40% in Europe. As for, Mainland China, is the second sales volume market in the world. The China government reduces taxes to encourage the developing of new energy vehicles. It’s clearly the new energy developing and energy saving has significant influence in automobile market. In this study the theory is based on E.K.B. consumer decision model, and the questionnaire is focused on the car owner in Taiwan automobile market. The purpose of this study is to approach the product attribute and consumer’s purchasing intentions about the car owner in new energy vehicles. And the Multi-category Logistic Regression is used to approach the analysis in the effect of product attribute of diesel engine vehicles in consumer’s purchasing intentions