WTO 框架下的多邊自由貿?體制談判??受挫,各國乃轉而興起洽簽自由貿?區的風潮。我國因政治上的特殊因素,加上中國大陸與東協的自由貿易區已於2010年正式生效,台灣產品將面臨高關稅的貿易障礙,無法與東協各國在中國大陸市場公平競爭,尤其東協加三的成立,更對我國面板業造成莫大的影響。 市調機構Display Search預測指出,2011年大陸將成為全球最大的液晶電視(LCD TV)單一市場。隨著兩岸經濟合作架構協議的簽署,面板產業的西進,可以成為台灣面板產業突破重圍的機會嗎?本研究探討兩岸洽談經濟合作的過程中,面板產業環境改變的模式為何?面板廠商如何調整以因應產業環境的變化?由於大陸亦積極發展面板業,並以市場換技術的策略湊效,台、中、日、韓不約而同地宣布將在中國大陸設立次世代面板廠。本研究以四個階段探討台灣面板業競爭力的形成過程,觀察到產業與廠商將隨著產業的演化而改變,廠商應找出自己的動態能力來適應整個環境的變遷。 Due to multilateral free trade negotiations suffer setbacks under the framework of World Trade Organization, various countries transfer to sign Free Trade Area. Because of the special political factors we face and China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Free Trade Area has entered into force in 2010,the products of Taiwan will face high trade-tariff barriers and it will be more difficult to compete with the ASEAN countries in the China market. In particular the establishment of the ASEAN Plus Three will cause the greatest influence on panel industry. Display Search market research agency forecasts that the China will become the largest LCD TV single market in the world by 2011. As the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement was signed and the panel industry move China, it could bring the new opportunities for Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry? The study attempted to investigate the TFT-LCD industry’s environment how to change during the discussion of the ECFA? And the panel industry how to adjust to cope with the changes? Because China develop TFT-LCD industry actively and the strategy of market inducement to obtain technology works, Taiwan、China、Japan and South Korea announced that they will set up next-generation panel plant in China Simultaneously. This research used four stages to discuss the formation of competitive advantages in Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry and observed that industry and the manufacturers will change as the industry's evolution. In addition, companies should identify their dynamic ability to adapt to the changes in the environment.