本論文所關心的是如何讓時間消逝的歷史記憶再現的可能,並運用虛擬的空間來串連實體的場景。利用角色扮演的遊戲機制和通訊科技的整合,發展出一套對於都市空間有新的體認和認識,提出一種新的都市空間應用,讓人們能有不同的經驗與體察,並徹底瞭解其歷史背景,以助瞭解過去與現在不同的時間裡,人類長久居住在土地上的集體記憶。 In this thesis,the chief considerations by contact real spaces through vitual spaces is how to revive the history memory,which fade away in times It developing an urban space realizing and acknowledge by using games of roll play technique and communcation tecnology integration.That carry out a new application way to have a different experience and observation whit people in Metropolis spaces.Then to comprehend the history background well in order to help to understand the group memory in the pass and present times where mans lives on permanently.