唐代中期以後,藩鎮體制發展,律令制的形式化傾向日益明顯。宋代以後,政治、經濟、社會各方面的變化顯著,即所謂的「唐宋變革期」。這個時期,區域發展個自的特色。從社會面來看,訴訟文化的成長迅速,訴訟相關記載的增加證明了這一點。當時的文獻中以「健訟」一詞表現訴訟興盛的現象。「健訟」一詞始見於宋代,南宋的官箴與文集均可見到,北宋則不然。「健訟」以外,尚可見到「好訟」?「囂訟」?「喜訟」等類似詞彙。從文獻的記載看來,「健訟」一詞的使用與黃庭堅有關。黃庭堅等人對於江西「健訟」的描述,帶給後世極深的印象。江西於是成為宋代「健訟」的代表區域。但是,除了江西以外,宋代墓誌記載了不少具備「健訟」形象的區域,「健訟」地區的治理,成為地方官的重要課題。由墓誌的記載看來,北宋士大夫多半將「健訟」的原因歸咎於胥吏、豪族或者是「健訟之徒」等人為因素。尤其又以胥吏與豪族的記載為多,這可以反映「健訟」前期,胥吏與豪族為其主因。南宋時活躍的「健訟之徒」此時尚未有明確的形象。此外,某些地區的「健訟」問題與治安有關,表現出各區域的特殊樣貌。江西、江東雖為「健訟」的代表區域,但是其訴訟內容的記載並不明確。此兩區域的訴訟之實際狀況,仍有待日後的探討。 Almost epitaphs during the Northern Sung Period describe the owner』s accomplishment in his administration of area government. They usually describe the lawsuits settled by the owners. So we know the administration of area government is respected. The other hand, the area culture will be displayed. We find a lot of case about the civil suit about estate division by family. The litigants of these cases are almost the capitalists live in the city. A lot of case happens in southern China. The culture of law in southern China will be the important assignment, especially The 「Jian-song」(健訟) Problem. The study of legislation concentrates in the Southern Sung Period because by the book 「Ching-Ming -JI」(清明集).In fact, The 「Jian-song」(健訟) Problem is already existed in the Northern Sung Period. Beside the cases about the civil suit about estate division by family, another cases as seen from epitaphs. The existence of 「Jian-song」(健訟) Problem symbolize the development of economic and society in the Sung Period. The disagreement of development appears difference in different area. Advanced area and developing area, more lawsuit area and less lawsuit area, the area of heavy work and the area of light work are divided by government official. Research the epitaphs during the Northern Sung Period, investigate the connection between 「Jian-song」(健訟) Problem and the disagreement of development of economic and society in the Sung Period. Try to find another field in the study of Sung Period.