本研究計畫中,我們主要將進行以下兩方面系統之研究: 1. 對於低溫原子系統中一個波色子和費米子的混合物,我們將在 Keldysh 場論的架構之下,求得一個對於費米子配對場以及波色場的有效作用量。利用這個有效作用量,我們將可以對 Feshbach 共振點附近相位耦合,以及 BEC to BCS crossover 的動力學過程進一步分析。進而理解這一強關聯繫統中的位相動力學。 2. 對於一個在一維光位井中的波色超流體,透過調整位井的週期,,可以產生一個一維的超流- Mott絕緣體相變。我們將在 Kelsydh 場論的架構下,分析此一相變的動力學過程。特別是我們計畫仔細分析量子渦旋在巷變點附近禁閉與解禁閉的細節,以及此一過程所產生的可觀測的干涉效應。 We study an atomic Bose gas with an s-wave Feshbach resonance in one dimension. Most of the parameter region is occupied by a phase in which the superuid uctuations of atoms and molecules are the predominant ones, due to the phase uctuations of atoms and molecules being locked by a Josephson coupling between them. When the density dierence between atoms and molecules is commensurate with the lattice, two additional phases may exist: the two component Luttinger liquid, which contains two branches of gapless excitations, and the inter-channel charge density wave where the relative density uctuations between atoms and molecules are frozen at low energy.