本研究主要目的是利用電腦模擬來探討具有布朗運動效應的膠體粒子在Kuwabara流場中,經過顆粒狀收集器時的吸附行為。在膠體粒子大小選取方面,採用正規高斯粒徑分佈函數,來提高電腦模擬的可信度。由電腦模擬的結果,可以發現當膠體粒子的粒徑分佈愈廣( 值愈大)時,其收集的效率會愈高,相反的,當膠體粒子的大小呈單一粒徑分佈( 值為零)時,其收集效率明顯的降低許多。對於雷諾數 與收集效率的關係,可知當雷諾數大時,流體的流速大,能幫助膠體粒子容易克服primary maximum的高峰和secondary minimum的積聚,同理的,當在有很高的primary maximum能障和很深的secondary minimum的積聚時,都會阻礙膠體粒子在顆粒狀收集器表面上的吸附。另外,膠體粒子在收集器上存有遮蔽的效應(shadow effect),所以本文也分別考慮單層吸附與多層吸附時的收集情況,由模擬結果可以知道,當有遮蔽效應存在的時候,膠體粒子的收集效率會明顯的高出許多。 The main purpose of the present paper is to investigate the effect of the normal Gaussian size distribution on the deposition of Brownian particles onto a spherical collector, by applying with the Brownian dynamic simulation method and the Kuwabara flow field model with different types of the DLVO interaction energy curves and the shadow effect. The simulation results show that the collection efficiency of Brownian particles always increases with a wider particle size distribution region. The same increased tendencies are also observed for the case of increasing Reynolds number and for the case of increasing the particle size to the collector size ratio.