數位化治理可說是應用現代資訊與通信科技以因應傳統政府治理的缺失(如不經濟、低效率、或參與不足)所發展出來,但似乎數位化治理尚未能完全取代傳統政府治理;其不但未能解決所有的舊麻煩、甚至還造成新的問題。此現象為研究者所帶來的意涵與疑問是:在數位化治理的型態與範疇以外,現代政府如何保留哪些傳統政府治理中的作為,以使與數位化治理相輔相成、達到良善治理的目的?此競合現象在不同國家與政治體制中是否相異?為有效回答前述之研究問題,本計畫的執行方法包括文獻蒐集與檢閱、參與觀察、訪問、以及問卷調查。本研究在理論方面將試圖建構數位化治理的詮釋與通則、並對照地方政府傳統治理,以指導後續研究以及本研究實證部分的進行。在實證方面,研究對象將為我國及歐盟國家地方政府與其間之比較;研究範圍將包括各地方政府之行政管理與服務遞送、以及民主價值的體現作為,並整合G2C、G2G 和G2B 的概念。筆者期望以筆者過去之研究成果與心得為基礎、透過此計畫研究與理論形成,對政府的治理現象的理解作出進一步的貢獻,亦為爾後之相關研究奠下基礎。亦期藉此跨國性比較研究,完整所建構之理論與通則的外部可適用性、取得歐盟國家經驗以完善我國治理作為,更促進我國與歐盟國家學術與實務界的國際合作與交流、提升我國之國際能見度。 In digital governance, modern information and communications technology (ICT) is applied to remedy the flaws of traditional public governance. However, digital governance has not yet replaced traditional public governance totally. It has not solved old problems as expected, and there are even new emerging problems in the era of digital governance. The implications of this phenomenon are: Besides the scope and types of digital governance, what traditional ways of governing have contempory governments retained, in order to make the two paradigms complement each other and achieve the ends of good governance? Also, how does the coopetition between the two vary among different countries and political systems? To effectively answer these research questions, this proposed project will review literature, observe participatorily, conduct interviews and implement surveys. Theoretically, this research tries to construct interpretation and principles of digital governance comparing with local public governance. Empirically, it will investigate and compare local governments in Taiwan as well as in the European Union. The scope of research include administrative management, service delivery and realization of democratic values in local authorities, integrating concepts of G2C, G2G and G2B.