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Title: | 台灣政經轉型下之制度變遷---總計畫 |
Other Titles: | The Political, Economic Transition and Institutional Change in Taiwan |
Authors: | 王業立,宋興洲,傅恆德 Wang, Yeh-Lih;Fu, Hung-Der;Sung, Hsing-Chou |
Contributors: | 行政院國家科學委員會 東海大學政治學系 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2011-11-17T08:07:59Z (UTC)
Abstract: | 自1980年代起,台灣見證了政治民主化與經濟自由化的轉型。是否這樣的轉型能維持穩定和發展就在於如何適當解決相關的問題,例如經濟發展、政治與社會整合、及公眾對稀有資源的大量需求。而處理這些問題的效果如何則仰賴於制度的選擇和運作。換句話說,制度很重要。舉例而言,政治制度對經濟發展的許多層面,包括成長、投資、通貨膨脹、人力資本、所得分配、財產權以及出生率,都有相當程度的影響力。然而,制度並非從天而降,現在的制度是過去的制度演變而來。因此,歷史也很重要。易言之,制度是途徑依賴。如果我們肯定制度研究的重要性,那麼分析制度的變遷及其產生的優、缺點與影響也有其必要性。本研究計劃即是本著上述的思維,結合東海大學社會科學院各科系專業,在制度變遷的主題下,以「歷史制度論」為貫穿研究議題的理論工具,分別研究台灣有關重要制度的變革並評估其發展良窳,進而提出政策性建言。 Since 1980s, Taiwan has been witnessed the political and economic transitions, i.e. political democratization and economic liberalization. Whether these transitions can achieve the lasting stability and development will depend on how the government is able to cope with problems such as economic development, political and social integration, and a high volume of public demand on scarce resources. And how effective the government is at responding to these problems will depend on the choice of institutions and the operations of institutions. In other words, institution matters. For instance, political institutions do matter for national economic development, including growth, investment, inflation, human capital, income distribution, property rights, and birth rates. However, institutions do not come from nothing. During the processes, the existing institutions are followed by or transformed from the previous ones. Therefore, history matters as well. That is, institution is path-dependent. If the above arguments can be accepted and we affirm the importance of institutional research, then it is necessary to analyze how the institutions have been changed, what advantages and disadvantages they have, what impacts they have, and on what level. In order to achieve these goals, this research project based on the abovementioned logic plans to be in collaboration with the departments and institutes of College of Social Science, Tunghai University. Under the common theme of institutional changes, each sub-project will apply the Historical-Institutionalism to study and evaluate causal mechanism of Taiwan’’s institutions and their effectiveness. And this project is expected to propose policy recommendations at the end of study. |
Relation: | 研究編號:NSC95-2745-H029-011-HPU 研究期間:2007-08~ 2008-07 |
Appears in Collections: | [政治學系所] 國科會研究報告
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