「毒品危害防制條例」實施六年以來,全國觀察勒戒所每年承接近3萬人次之毒品犯,經評定已治癒而交付保護管束之毒品犯再犯回籠比例「居高不下」,顯示現行毒品犯戒治成效不彰,再犯率相當高約37%左右。上述的資料是不分成人或青少年。如果以收容青少年為主的少年觀護所附設勒戒處所而言,青少年再度入所接受觀察勒戒比率逐年增加,近兩年約在34%左右。 此結果促使我們不得不檢討青少年戒治所的戒治成效。緣於上述,本研究目的如下: (1)藉由「目前正在接受戒治」與「曾經接受戒治」的青少年,從其不盡相同的基本背景中(例如:使用藥物的歷史與種類等),分析是否須因其背景的不同而須要有不盡相同的戒治處遇方式。 (2)提出六項為檢驗基礎,使研究計畫更嚴密,並將此研究結果與國外(所內)戒治模式相互對照比較,重新檢視青少年的戒治處遇是否適合,以提供主管青少年戒治機構者之參考。研究方法主要是以問卷調查為主:「受試者」包括:目前正在戒治所內的青少年、目前正在戒治所內的管教人員(與目前正在戒治所內的青少年是同一所戒治所)、目前正在所外的管教人員(與目前正在戒治所內的青少年是不同的所外戒治機構)、相關領域的學者專家、目前正在矯正機構(例如:誠正/明陽中學、彰化少年輔育院)但曾經因使用藥物而入戒治機構(例如:台北少年觀護所、台中少年觀護所、台南少年觀護所)的青少年。 Since the「Controlled Drugs Act」was amended and promulgated in the year of 1987, it has been enforced for six years. The Administrative Enforcement Agency takes care of thirty thousand of drug users each year, and the proportion of the recidivism usually has an outstanding record every year. This somewhat reveals that the function of prevention and treatment programs for drug-users is not working well. The status of drug-users in the statement above contains the adult and the adolescent. To focus the adolescent exclusively, the recidivism condition of adolescent is as same as the recidivism condition of adult plus adolescent. This phenomenon also push us to check that the programs for the「Juvenile Detention House for Substance Abuse」are working well or not. Following the description above, the purpose of this study is: (1) Through the different drug-use background, will adolescent who is now in the 「Juvenile Detention House for Substance Abuse」appraise the treatment programs different from the adolescent who had been in the「Juvenile Detention House for Substance Abuse」does? (2) Using the six foundation mentioned in the main context and the foreign reports related to the function of the treatment programs in an institution for substance abuse check whether the function of the treatment programs in the「Juvenile Detention House for Substance Abuse」in Taiwan is working well or not ?