本研究旨在探討餐旅服務人員的情緒管理與表達是否會受到其文化背景的影響,並此文化因素是否會影響此勞務對服務人員所照成的身心影響。本研究分為兩階段進行,在第一階段,本研究採用餐旅情緒勞務量表 (the hospitality emotional labor scale) 來測量情緒勞務,在進行文化差異比較之前,本研究首先驗證本量表的理論效度,效度之建立乃是藉由本量表與其他知名之情緒勞務量表之相關分析判別,。在確認本量表的理論效度之後,第二階段將為情緒勞務效應之跨國文化比對,本研究選取兩個不同文化之國家(美國之個人主義對照台灣之群體主義),了解不同文化背景是否會影響服務人員選擇何種方式呈現出適當的工作情緒,並此情緒勞務是否會對服務人員的工作滿意度與情緒浩劫產生負面的影響。 The hospitality emotional labor scale (HELS) is an instrument designed to measure the emotion management process of hospitality employees. The purposes of this study are to examine the utility of the HELS in terms of its construct validity as well as its structure invariance cross-culturally. The utility analyses concern the security of two types of validity of the HELS, convergent validity and discriminant validity. This study first examines the convergent validity of the HELS by examining it’’s correlation with another emotional labor scale also based on employee-focused approach proposed by Brotheridge and Lee (2003). The discriminant validity of HELS is checked by examining its correlation with another emotional labor scale based on job-focused approach to emotional labor proposed by Morris & Feldman (1996; 1997). Despite the fact that emotion presentation is culturally sensitive, relatively little cross-cultural research has been done on them. After examining the construct validity of the HELS, this study examines how employees with different cultural background (individualism vs. collectivism) response to the HELS in order to provide the evidence of cross-cultural invariance of the HELS. It compares how U.S. and Taiwanese hospitality service providers manage their emotions at work, as well as how this labor has psychological damaging effects on employees’’ well-being.