本研究旨在以國內某航太專案於2003年至2008年間生產之80架次(本文通稱航太結構件產品)之資料,進行效率三指標(技術效率、總因素生產力、進步率)與獲利能力之攸關性研究。實證步驟與對應方法包括:(1)使用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis),推估技術效率(Technical Efficiency)與總因素生產力(Total Factor Productivity);(2)使用伸縮最小平方法(Flexible Least Squares)推估學習曲線與進步率;(3)建構表面無關迴歸模型(Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model),評估效率三指標與其他管理因素,對獲利能力之衝擊效果。 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between profitability and three efficiency measures including the technical efficiency (TE), total factor productivity (TFP), and improvement rate (IR) for an aero-structure product project, with data covering 80 shipset deliveries between 2003 and 2008.The major methodologies include: (1)TE and TFP are evaluated by DEA.(2)The learning curve and IR are evaluated by the flexible-least-squares method.(3)A seemingly unrelated regression model is constructed to evaluate the impact of TE, TFP, IR, as well as other managerial factors