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Title: | 科技創新、重整產業價值鏈與顧客服務對企業績效的影響研究---以M公司為例 |
Other Titles: | A study on Science Technology Innovation, Industrial Value Chain Re-structure and Customer Service that Impact to Company’s Performance --- Case Study on M company |
Authors: | 游安正 Yu, Eric |
Contributors: | 王本正 Wang, Ben-Jeng 東海大學管理碩士在職專班 |
Keywords: | 知識經濟、產業價值鏈、顧客服務、顧客價值 Knowledge Economic、Industrial Value Chain、Customer Service、Customer Value |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-02-22T08:27:11Z (UTC)
Abstract: | 自從半導體產業從整合元件製造廠分解出來成為一個從IC設計、晶圓製造、晶圓封裝與測試及其它周邊供應鏈與最終系統廠商這樣的一個完整的供應鏈體系;尤其在台灣這樣的供應鏈體系更是發展到極精細的分工。在這樣的分工之下,台灣IC設計業逐漸發展成全球佔有率第二的產業,M公司更成為其中的佼佼者,到2008年已經是全球營業額排名第五的無晶圓廠IC設計公司,遙遙領先台灣排名第二的業者。本文即著重在探究為什麼M公司從聯電集團分割出來的十二年間,能夠從一個名不見經傳的公司發展成如今的規模。透過本研究發現,M公司一路從光儲存產品CD-ROM、DVD-Rewritable產品,經過DVD相關晶片到無線通訊產品2G/2.5G手機相關晶片與數位電視產品,總是在落後對手的情形下在研發方面後發先至,準確的掌握進入市場的時間點,贏得市場。本研究發現M公司有以下幾個重要競爭策略︰一、 憑藉知識經濟為基礎,追求創新與競爭力的理念下,M公司從1997年成立開始,在董事長蔡明介的領軍之下以解決客戶的問題為目標,不斷的用一百二十分的目標要求自己,勇於投入研發,提供給顧客平價的創新高技術產品。二、 商業模式創新與重建產業價值鏈︰除了科技創新之外,M公司還依據其在光碟機晶片市場的行銷經驗與在中國大陸累積的行銷知識,創造了一項破壞全球手機產業價值鏈的商業模式的創新行為。M公司提供價格便宜、容易上手開發的SOC系統單晶片,把複雜的手機作業軟體技術,都整合到一顆晶片上,並且提供菜單式的數百種功能選擇,讓手機業者輕鬆選配。M公司把手機生產的門檻降到最低,徹底填平了手機製造商與手機晶片廠的鴻溝。三、 顧客服務與顧客價值︰M公司不但終止手機晶片大廠晶片技術壟斷,提供給顧客完整整合數位相機、動態錄影、MP3、收音機、PDA、電子書等軟硬體的系統單晶片,因選用的產品都是M公司驗證過的手機晶片,省下或減少試生產與檢測的費用;還更進一步提供他的大陸手機業者顧客更完整的手機生產服務,提供total solution,不僅如此,M公司也願意隨時協助客戶解決問題——包括手機電路板的設計、培訓研發工程師、生產線良率不佳的調查與提升等,甚至有計畫的引介大陸手機業者進軍國際大廠忽略的印度等新興市場。M公司也因此從中獲取足夠的利潤回饋,最重要的是同時贏得了顧客忠誠,創造了M公司 Inside的品牌忠誠,創造公司產品銷售機會與潛在利益。透過這些以知識經濟為基礎的自我要求,將創新科技技術能力充分的應用在供最大多數人使用的產品上;透過與客戶的合作,解構原來的產業價值鏈,然後重組產業價值鏈,同時產生對顧客與M公司有利的環境,終於能透過顧客服務產生顧客價值,也產生M公司的價值。 Since the semi-conductor industry was separated from IDM (Integrated Devicd Manufacturer) to IC design, chip manufacturing, chip assembly and testing, other supplier and also system manufacturing; all of these supply manufacturing had got completely developed at Taiwan. By this industry environment, IC design department at Taiwan got great revenues as the 2nd grade of revenue of the world in market sharing,especially M company was the best one of IC design company at Taiwan, she was the 5th in revenue of the fables IC Design House of the world on 2008, and had big gap in revenue compared with 2nd of Taiwan. Why MTK could have such performance in past 12 years from she was spin off from UMC group ?By this study, we found M company always started later than her competitors but got better performance to win the market sharing, by all of the products CD-ROM, DVD-Rewritable and DVD related chip, even wireless communications product 2G/2.5G cell-phone chip and digital television chip. M company had some important competitive strategy as below:1. Based on knowledge management and developing new competitive technologies as her strategy, MTK set one things --- to set one of her company targets in supporting customer solving problems from 1997 when M company born. She always set highly target and put much resource in R&D to develop better and cheaper with high tech product for customer.2. To create a new business model and re-structure the value chain with customer: M company broke the original value chain in cell-phone product, she designed a SOP chip (system on chip IC that combined many complex technologies and soft programs in one IC) that was cheaper and more easy to develop next production in cell-phone by her customer. Cell-phone manufacturing became very easy by M company’s total solution and then got the better benefits both M company and her customers.3. Customer services and customer value creating: M comoany stop the technology gap between the big international IC Design House and local cell-phone maker, to support local cell-phone maker all of the things they need, including digital camera、video、MP3、radio、PDA、electric book. Customer could save much money by M company’s verified chip, also customer could have M company’s more support in total solution even including cell-phone mother board design, engineer training, tuning the production yield in cell-phone production. M company also introduced new request from India to her customer while M company set her new branch in India. All of these co-development actions with customer, M company had her customer as loyalist partners and got her benefits.By knowledge management as her base capability and highly target self-asking,to develop new products that could be used on most of peoples; to co-work with customer and re-structure business model and create new value chain, M company had created the new business environments and won customer loyalty by total customer services, then M company won her value as we saw. |
Appears in Collections: | [Executive Master of Business Administration ] Master's Theses
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