Abstract: | 隨著科技的進步,人機介面應用的範圍越來越廣,人們的依賴程度也日益增加,例如:透過螢幕來獲取所要的訊息、藉由螢幕執行作業,顯示螢幕已經成為訊息傳遞的重要溝通媒介。良好的圖像設計能夠有效地幫助資訊的傳達,能讓使用者第一眼看到時,就清楚地了解其所要表達的意義。設計良好的圖像介面與資訊呈現方式,能促使人們執行作業時集中注意力,提高作業績效、減少錯誤及縮短作業的時間,但在使用的過程中,普遍存在錯誤記憶的現象。因此,本研究以人因工程觀點探討螢幕資訊特性、文字結構與人格特質對電腦操作績效及腦波之間的關係。其中螢幕資訊特性包含了圖像形狀、資訊呈現類型、資訊呈現方式等三個變項。而文字結構是以漢字組塊?解構中文字(漢字)。人格特質則是探討A/B型人格之間對作業績效之影響。將完成時間、錯誤次數及腦波評估等因變項作為衡量的指標,共計二個實驗。實驗結果透過SPSS統計軟體進行相關統計分析,研究結果顯示:1.圖像形狀之搜尋速度上,正方形的完成時間最快、三角形其次、圓形最慢,並達顯著水準;可得知圖像形狀的邊數越多,搜尋速度越快。2.三角形在枕葉區(O1、O2)出現較高的θ波,可得知尖銳角度讓受試者受到的視覺刺激較大。3.漢字組塊之搜尋速度上,單一型的完成時間最快,包圍型最慢,並達顯著水準;其中結構對稱文字快於結構不對稱文字。4.B型人格的受試者在關鍵詞錯誤次數上有較佳表現,而腦波活動在α波功率強度上大於A型人格者,可得知注意力較為集中。5.在DRM典範記憶作業上,語義關聯文詞較類別關聯文詞易使受試者產生錯誤記憶。在腦波方面,類別關聯文詞的θ波和α波功率出現較高反應。6.資訊呈現方式以同時呈現時,θ波功率和振幅出現較高反應,可得知受試者反應出困難度較高、心智負荷較重的情況。 With advances in technology, applications of human machine interfaces have broadened. At the same time, the degree of dependence that people have on these interfaces has gradually increased. For example, people commonly obtain requested messages from displays and perform tasks through displays. This shows that displays have already become an important communication medium for message transmission. Good image designs can effectively assist the transmission of data and can allow users to clearly understand the expressed meaning in one glance. Well-designed image interfaces and information displays can effectively compel concentration, increase operation performance, reduce errors, and reduce the time necessary for tasks. However, throughout the usage process, the phenomenon of false memories exists. Therefore, this research presents the viewpoint of human factors engineering for the discussion between the relation of information display, Chinese character structure and personality to computer operating performance and brain wave. The factors of information display contain three parts, which are icon shape, information presentation categories and information presentation types. Within Chinese character structure, we mainly focus on its module. The personality characteristics then inquire into the influence of upon the performance between the personality characteristics of A and B. Two experiments were take the completion time, error number, and the valuation for brain wave, etc. as the variables of index significant for measuring. The results through SPSS, the statistics software, carried on related covariance analysis, this study shows:1.In the viewpoint of icon shape, the searching speed was the fastest for square, the second fastest for triangle, and the slowest for round. The difference between these 3 shapes reached a significant level. The searching speed got faster with increased number of the edge of shape. 2.The triangular shape evoked stronger θ rhythm around occipital (O1, O2). Therefore, we suppose that the sharp shape results in harder visual stimulus than other ones. 3.In the viewpoint of Chinese character module, the searching speed was the fastest for structurally single text, and the slowest for structurally surround text. The difference between these 5 module reached a significant level. The search speed of structurally symmetrical text is superior to that of unsymmetrical text.4.The type B personality, according to the error number, made fewer mistakes and had a stronger α wave than the type A. The results showed that the type B subjects paid more attention to the tasks.5.Semantically related phrases are more likely to cause wrong memories than categorically related ones. The strength of θ and α power was greater for categorically related phrases.6.The power and amplitude of θ wave were both stronger for simultaneous presentation of the messages. Therefore, the simultaneous presentation of messages caused the subjects feeling more irritated and pains-taking. |