現今的生產環境由於產業變動快速,產品生命週期短暫,企業紛紛以保留自己核心技術,其餘部分與具有相關技術企業的廠商進行合作,以虛擬企業(Virtual Enterprise)的模式來完成產品的生產。 企業間的合作需要溝通。為了降低溝通所浪費的時間,各種類型的溝通方式紛紛被提出。然後這許多方法僅降低了溝通時間,各企業內部處理時間仍未能有效被降低。在企業間許多的溝通中,最需要快速完成的就是對於客戶訂單的允諾與否。在產業變動快速的環境中,回應客戶的速度極可能主導客戶訂單的歸屬。 為了確保企業可以對客戶的訂單進行快速的回應,本研究分析企業在接收到客戶詢單後的動作與流程,將之由整體生產環境細分至機台,找出完成生產排程所需要的知識與資訊,並將之分為可公開與不可公開兩類。最後以JAVA之TCP/IP架構作為資訊傳輸/接收介面,專家系統語言CLIPS儲存排程所需知識與能力,建立一架構。在不取得(帶走)合作廠商生產資訊的前提下,藉由統一格式的訂單資訊輸入、計算與輸出,快速地完成一可行的排程,決定生產路徑,並以之結果回應客戶,達成快速允諾客戶訂單的目的。 In today’s highly competitive market, product life cycle becomes shorter. Companies work together in the way of specialty division called Virtual Enterprise. When companies work together, they need to conversation on each step of collaboration. In order to reduce the conversation time which did not added any value in production, many studies made methods like protocol to reduce the conversation time. But those methods only reduced the conversation time, the totally time of each kind of conversation still uncontrollable due to the unknown inner processing time of each company. In all kinds of conversations of enterprise collaboration, the time of order promising is the most important issue. In real case, knowledge of production is not easily to get from the partner in the environment of distributed production. How to response to customers in a short time in this situation is an important issue. In today’s highly competitive market, the less time order promising needs, the more chance to get the order. This study focuses on how to find out a nice production route without taking the production knowledge from partner companies in the supply chain. We separate the information and knowledge into can be shared and cannot be shared.Finally, we use the TCP/IP of JAVA and Expert System language, CLIPS, to build up a program can find a nice production route in a short time, which transfers and receives the uniform massage, and uses the knowledge that cannot be shared only in which point in the production environment. And use the result as the solution of order promising.