覆議制度、政策穩定與司法審查依據否決者理論,當否決者數目愈多、否決者之間意識型態距離愈大且內部凝聚力很強時,則現狀愈不可能有重大改變,此種現狀不可能有重大改變稱之為「政策穩定」。本計畫主要從否決者理論研究在我國當前的憲政體制下,覆議制度對於政策穩定的影響,並進一步研究在出現政策穩定時,司法審查所扮演的角色。 Veto System, Policy Stability and Judicial Review According to the veto players theory, significant departures from the status quo are impossible when veto players are many, when they have significant ideological distances among them, and when they are internally cohesive. George Tsebelis call this impossibility for significant departures from status quo policy stability. The main purpose of this project is to analyze veto system how to influence policy stability under contemporary constitutional framework in Taiwan from the perspective of the veto player theory. This project will also analyze the role of judicial review in policy stability.