本研究從智慧財產權之本質出發,探討公序良俗條款於智慧財產權法發中之功能及具體適用。並藉由比較法觀點,提供學說與實務在實踐上一可依循標準之參考。公序良俗條款在不同性質之智慧財產權法中,是否存在及存在理由皆有所不同。若非從兩者之本質與規範目的出發,很難全然釐清該條款在智慧財產權法中之地位與功能。我國學說與實務對此議題之探討十分有限。導致我國法院在智慧財產權的案件中引用公序良俗條款時,時有誤會或誤用之情況發生。因此,在社會快速變遷以及智慧財產權國際化之影響下,透過比較法的觀點,特別是法國在本領域中豐富的案例與論述,確認公序良俗條款在我國智慧財產權法體系下之意涵,並以批判性的觀點進行對實體法及實務上關於衡量標準之檢視,形成一整體性的研究,即成一重要課題。本計畫擬以兩年為期。第一年集中在法國及相關國際條約及區域性公約之法律、文獻、法院裁判,分別研究其基礎理論與實踐經驗。藉此亦可提供我國相對稀少之法國法學研究資料。第二年則基於前述分析整理出之具體標準,回頭檢驗該標準是否得以在我國法制與社會態樣下運作,進而分析出適合我國法制之平衡考量。如此可使我國實務日後在處理類似問題時,能有一論事用法之參考。 The objective of this study is to determine the constitutive elements and functions of the morality and ordre public criteria in different fields of intellectual property law (IPR). The comparative law perspective allows in particular to illustrate the use of these criteria in different legal systems in order to provide a good reference to Taiwanese legal research and practical cases application. It is important to translate these legal standards into the specific context and language used in different fields of intellectual property law, such as patent, trademarks and copyright law. It is also important to take into account the new concepts integrated into these notions by the fast changes of society and globalization of IPR’s development. This study aims to be accomplished in two years. In the first year, the comprehensive and detailed research works will be focused on the collection of French and related European legal texts, cases law and literature. By doing so, the definition, descriptions and functions of morality and ordre public criteria are examined. Furthermore, the constitutive elements of these notions could be extracted from the rich comparative law perspective. In the second year, the applications of these criteria in practice are analyzed. This study will then focus on the possible use of those concrete elements under Taiwanese legal context. The proposed approach will admittedly not address all the concerns of possible evolution of intellectual property law, but it will provide a balanced and workable compromise solution that could satisfy most of the objectives.