從業身分與工作內涵對憂鬱徵兆之多重影響機制摘要台灣社會學界已對關乎健康與醫療的諸多樞紐面向進行詳盡考察,並累積出豐碩學術成果。然而其中探究健康階層化的研究不僅數量較少,關注心理健康不平等之計畫更是屈指可數。有鑑於此,本計畫希冀由從業身分與工作相關之脈絡因素—如工作內涵中的自主性與創新性—切入,以「健康社會學」領域中廣用的心理健康指標—「憂鬱徵兆(depression)」—為焦點,並使用橫斷性的「台灣社會變遷基本調查:四期三次社會階層組與五期三次社會階層組」為分析主體,再佐以縱貫性的「台灣中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」為補充資料,對從業身分及其他工作相關因素「是否」、「為何」與「於何種脈絡下」塑造心理健康階層化的相干疑問進行系統性的經驗性詮析。四組研究假設將被依續檢驗。首先將藉由探查「從業決定假設」與「健康就業者選擇假設」來辨明從業身分與憂鬱徵兆間的潛在雙向線性關係。其次,將剖析「經濟資源途徑」與「社會支持途徑」來說明從業身分與憂鬱徵兆間的鏈結機制。第三,將探討優勢從業身分之影響力「程度」是否因工作脈絡因素—「工作內涵」、「職業聲望」、「就業必要性」與「地位認同」—而有所變化。最後則將檢驗工作內涵與教育之間是否出現資源替代效果。 The Impacts of Employment and Work on Depression in Taiwan Abstract The relationship among employment, work and depression has been well elaborated in Western societies. Nonetheless, far less research has focused on whether employment and work-related factors have led to depression inequality in Eastern societies such as Taiwan. This research hence purposes to establish the fundamental understandings of the employment-work-depression patterns in Taiwan. Four sets of research themes are discussed. To begin with, this research aims to clarify the causal relationships between employment and depression by testing two alternative perspectives: Employment Causal Hypothesis that suggests employment causes depression; while Healthy-Worker Selection Hypothesis means that the more depressed are less likely to be full-time employed. Furthermore, this research intends to elucidate the linking mechanisms between employment and depression with the examination of Economic Resource Pathway and Social Support Pathway. Third, this research also investigates whether the strength of employment effects on depression is essentially contingent on a variety of work-related factors, such as Work Context, Occupation Prestige, Job Necessity, and Status Identity. Fourth, this study discusses whether the effects of work on depression depend on education. With the utilization of the OLS and logistic regression model on the cross-sectional Taiwan Social Change Survey (2002 and 2007) and the implementation of the aging vector model on the longitudinal Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan (1989, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2003), this research is able to gauge the systematic impacts of employment and work in Taiwan.