Abstract: | 近年來民宿產業蓬勃發展,已成為國人?遊時重要的住宿選擇之ㄧ。目前市面上的民宿形式多樣,屬性(或特徵)各有不同,但那種民宿屬性最受住宿者偏好?住宿者願意為民宿的那種屬性付出更多房價?那種類型的住宿者比較捨得在住宿上付出較多花費?均是個值得關注的議題。因此,本研究的目的有三:(一)採用體驗經濟觀點,從供給面角度切入,探討民宿原料特徵、商品特徵、服務特徵與體驗特徵的內涵、(二)探討民宿房價與各種民宿特徵的關係,並推估各項民宿特徵的隱含價格。(三)採用旅遊花費觀點,從需求面角度切入,探討民宿房價與住宿者個人屬性的關係,並推估各項個人屬性對民宿房價的影響的大小。透過文獻回顧、先驅研究與體驗經濟的理論基礎,本研究擬出4大類型共45項民宿特徵。透過問卷與現地調查,獲得各調查民宿在四類特徵上的主觀與客觀評價。根據旅遊花費理論,本研究將住宿者個人屬性分為兩大類型:「社經屬性」與「旅遊相關屬性」。OLS線性迴歸分析結果顯示,當台灣漸漸步入體驗經濟的時代,住宿者對民宿各項特徵的偏好有顯著的差異,進而影響到對各項特徵願的隱含價格。在四項民宿特徵中,商品特徵和體驗特徵與房價顯著相關,原料特徵和服務特徵與房價無顯著相關。住宿者願意為商圈內、較少人數的房型、套房、有套裝服務與具有外部體驗特徵的產品支付更高的房價(正面評價)。此外,在住宿者的個人屬性中,研究結果發現,住宿者的旅遊相關屬性與房價顯著相關,但社經屬性則與房價無顯著相關。遊伴為配偶但無小孩同行者或為情人者,住宿者願意支付更高的房價。 Recently the supply of Bed and Breakfast (B&B) increased rapidly, B&B became one of important accommodation choices for tourists. There are various kinds of B&B in the market. Each kind promotes different characteristics. Which characteristic tourists prefered the most? To what characteristic tourists consider worthwhile to pay more? Which type of tourist would set aside a bigger piece of budget on room rate? All these are very important issues. There are three purposes of research: (1)taking experience economy perspective, explore the contents of raw material characteristic, commodity characteristic, service characteristic and experience characteristic from the supply side; (2)explore the relationship between B&B room rate and B&B characteristics and estimate the hedonic price of each B&B characteristic; (3)taking travel expenditure perspective, explore the relationship between B&B room rate and tourists’ individual characteristics, and estimate the influence of each individual characteristic on B&B room rate.Based on findings from literature review, pioneer study and experience economy theory, we study four types and a total of 45 items of B&B characteristics. Through on-site survey and investigation, we obtained objective and subjective evaluation on B&B characteristics. According to travel expenditure research, we divide tourists’ individual characteristics into two kinds, namely sociodemographic and travel-related characteristics.Based on findings from the linear OLS regression analysis, when Taiwan gradually launch into the experience economy era, tourists exhibited different preferences toward B&B characteristics, and hence significant difference existed in the amount of expnse paied for different B&B characteristics. Among four types of B&B characteristics, significant relation existed between commodity characteristic and B&B room rate, Likewise for the experience characteristic. Evidence does not support for significant relation between room rate and raw material characteristic and service characteristic. Tourists were willing to pay significantly more B&B located within the major commercial zone, fewer-person room type, room equipped with rest room, room with package service and room with outdoor experience characteristic (positive evaluation). Moreover, evidence supports the significant relation between travel-relative characteristics and B&B room rate. However, no evidence is found supporting the relation between sociodemographic characteristic and room rate. Those who came with spouse but not children and with intimate one were spent significantly more on roon rate. |