近??環境糾紛與問題頻傳,追蹤污染物?源、瞭解污染物傳輸方式以及它們對環境的可能危害,已成為污染管制與公害糾紛處?問題中的重要議題,於是環境法醫(Environmental Forensics)的觀?逐漸受到重視。決策者們無?希望藉由實驗室分析以及各種模擬與統計方法建?可靠的污染源診斷工具,為?達成這個目的,本研究預計以三?時間完成:(1)建?模廠實驗瞭解污染物在?同特性土壤間的吸附動?關係;(2)建?以序?性細胞自動機(Stochastic Cellular Automata)為基礎的污染物?佈模擬;(3)?用資?品質目標程序(Data Quality Objective, DQO)擬定並執?現地監測計畫,結合序?性細胞自動機與多維?向?分析方法(Polytopic Vector Analysis)確認污染源及現地污染物的濃?分析?況,?用系統化的思維逐步建?土壤污染的環境法醫技術,作為日後污染源鑑定以及擬定相關管制措施時的?考。 To solve the debates on environmental duty in social effects of pollution, researcher has paid much attention to environmental forensics. The scientists are also attempting to find some reasonable methodologies to trace the pollution sources correctly. For these reasons, this research proposed a three years proposal to figure out the pollution sources and transferred paths of heavy metals in a polluted land. This integrated framework is derived into three parts. First of all, a pilot experiment will be proceeded to identify the dynamic characteristics of soils. Then, a simulation model based on stochastic cellular automata and gravity model will be established to pinpoint the spatial distribution of pollutants. The third year, data quality objective processes (DQOs) will be adopted to achieve an optimal monitoring plan. Simultaneously, Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVO) will be applied to the case study in Changhua County to identify the sources of pollution.