近年來臺灣企業基於競爭壓力,積極導入供應鏈相關軟體;但因忽視執行層面的諸多考量,以致提高供應鏈資訊專案導入失敗的機會。基於實際導入經驗,本研究以先進規劃與排程系統為例,說明供應鏈專案導入的程序和問題,並提出一診斷模式,用以分析專案導入過程中常面臨的問題,作為持續推動專案進行的參考,以期望降低導入的成本和時間。 Recently, many Taiwan’s enterprises began to implement supply chain projects. However, some projects fail due to the fact that problem definition and implementation are not well studied. This research summarizes the implementation problems and provides an assessment model upon implementing a supply chain project. The proposed assessment model may assist users analyzing and identifying some potential problems before implementation stage.