關於精神鑑定的相關問題,所涉及的討論範圍看似雖小,但內容卻頗有爭議性,所以本文詳細的把背景問題及法律規範一併加以說明。 關於「潑灑硫酸事件」,法院的數項判決各有所執,沒有一致的意見。這是法律評價上難以避免的事情。鑑定人對於案件提供專業知識上的意見,以協助法官對案情做出最恰當的法律判斷;鑑定人的意見並不就是最的判決意見。其形成不一致的原因,以及解決方案的探討,如何讓法官與鑑定人就特殊個案的證據評價盡可能一致,是本文所要討論的重點。 本文並一併討論關於「酗酒駕車犯罪化」後對精神鑑定實務的影響,主要是依道路交通管理處罰條例第三十五條規定,因汽車駕駛人拒絕呼氣測試檢驗時,由執法人員將其強制移由醫療機構實施抽血或採樣時,才有鑑定程序的發動,而有相關的問題產生。 為了讓鑑定人可以對被告的精神狀況更清楚的瞭解,刑事訴訟法大幅增修的新型態強制處分「鑑定留置」,是否得宜?這些新規定是否有助於鑑定工作的進行,使得鑑定報告更精確?並且拉近法官與鑑定人意見上的距離,以及鑑定人在新刑事訴訟制度中將扮演更積極挑戰的地位,都是本文所要論述的重點。 Regarding the related problems faced by Mental Appraisal, the scope of those seems narrow, but the content of those is quite controversial; so that this Article plans to go through a scrutiny to the back ground problems and legal regulations concerned. Regarding “the Sulfuric Acid Pouring Incident”, the verdicts of the Courts dissent from each other, although this is a inevitable situation of legal judgment. Appraisers provide their opinions based on their professional knowledge to assist the Judges to make the most proper judgment, but their opinions do not mean the final decisions of the Courts. How to make judgments of the Judgers consistent with the opinions of the Appraisers in certain specific cases is the key point of this article. This article will also study the effects of the Criminalization of Drunken Driving on the practices of Mental Appraisal. According to Article 35 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, when the enforcer of this Act compels the driver to mandatory blood test if such driver refuses to the exhale test, the Appraisal Procedure is instituted and thus the related problems arise. For Appraiser’s better understanding of the mental status of the defendant, is it a proper way to add the institution of Appraisal Procedure is instituted and thus the related problems arise. For Appraiser’s better understanding of the mental status of the defendant, is it a proper way to add the institution of Appraisal Custody into the Criminal Procedure Law? Does this new institution help the Appraisal, or even make the Appraisal Report do a more specific job? How do we diminish the differences between the opinions of the Judges and Appraisers? Should the Appraisers play a more aggressive role in the new Criminal Procedure System? These are the key points of this Article.