近年來矽半導體製程、電腦輔助設計軟體、以及電路設計技巧的進步,已讓數位與類比電路的整合度大大提高,反觀射頻電路預做整合的話,仍有許多困難要克服,目前有許多無法整合的高頻電路中,如射頻濾波器、功率放大器以及射頻開關等電路。其中射頻開關不能與系統整合的原因,主要是以插入損耗(insertion loss)過高以及功率承載(power handling)能力低,這些問題的產生主要是矽基板具導電性,造成訊號會從基板流失。本論文預使用TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS製程結合微機電後製程的使用將射頻開關整合入矽晶片。製作高Q電感,作阻抗匹配,降低插入損耗。其中利用微機電製程蝕刻電路中電感元件、傳輸線下方的矽基板使其懸空,減少電路的插入損耗,並利用ADS(Advanced Design System)_Momentum 模擬所設計的電路,可得知使用微機電製程蝕刻矽基板可以減少23.7%的插入損耗。而開關TX端經ADS模擬後功率承載(Pin-1dB)=27.390dBm、插入損耗(insertion loss)=0.538dB。 In past years, silicon-base semiconductor process, computer-aided design tools, and circuit design skills have all made great progress, and it makes the high integration between digital and analog circuits. However, it is difficult to integrate with radio frequency (RF) circuits, such as RF filter, RF power amplifier, and RF switch. Among those RF circuits, the reasons of that RF switch could not be integrated in system are high insertion loss and low power handling. Those issues occur because the silicon substrate is conductance material inducing power loss. This workuse TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS process and Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS) post-process to integrate with RF switch on a silicon chip. MEMS post-process is used to etch bulk of the inductance device and transmission line to reduce insertion loss of the switch circuit. Using ADS(Advanced Design System)_Momentum to simulate switch circuit and the insertion loss would be reduced 23.7%. The TX node of the switch circuit use ADS_Momentum to simulate power handling P1dB=27.390dBm, insertion loss=0.538dB.