眷村首次出現至今60載,眷村成為台灣近代的特殊文化之一,面對政府積極的全台老舊眷村改建計畫,60年幾乎沒有變動的眷村聚落註定要面對垂直集居的衝擊,高密度的傳統國宅會不會成為眷村文化的死因?而只剩下文物與紀錄的眷村博物館,能不能真正保存和延續眷村文化?本論文在此以新竹忠貞新村為基地模型來討論眷村新社區以及生活文化保存的議題。藉由分析新竹空軍忠貞新村的建築在時間與空間上的演進過程,轉化為新社區的居住方式,維持眷村式緊密的鄰里關係。整理新竹空軍忠貞新村各時期所遺留下的空間痕跡,並重建新眷村社區,將生活、文化、教育三者融合,提出眷村新生活文化園區的概念。希望藉由住宅(生活)、博物館(展示)與市集(交流)三者的串連使得眷村的生活文化得以呈現。 Military dependent’s village was set in the early 60’s, it become one of the special Taiwanese culture from 80s until now. Due to the recent government conversion program, all the military dependent’s village will have to re-built and change, so will the high density lifestyle become the end of military dependent’s village? Will the artifacts and record in military dependent’s village museum can well reserve? This paper is base on Hsin-Chu Air Force Loyal Military Dependent’s Village model to discuss on how to reserve on the community, life and culture for military dependent’s village.By analyzing the Hsin-Chu Air Force Loyal Military Dependent’s Village construction, from time to time, it turn the M.D.V. in the a new living lifestyle but still has the old M.D.V. culture, the new community combine the new lifestyle, culture and education, it bring out a new concept for our modern life. Contacting of the house ( Living) , museum ( Exhibit) And the bazaar ( Commerce) to makes life culture of the military dependent's village appear.