Abstract: | 女性作家在童書寫作過程中,常常要兼顧家庭,所以要有更大的毅力及耐心才能完成創作。同樣的創作成就,女性往往耕耘得更多。因此女作家們在生活、寫作與出版上,逐漸形成一股力量。回顧台灣兒童文學史的發展,發覺台灣女作家於六、七O年代童書創作數量頗豐,於是本論文整理早期台灣二十一位女性作家的歷史資料,望能裨補台灣兒童文學史的史料,也爬梳其當時的童書作品,試圖了解其對童書寫作的理念及素材選擇的類型,進而探討其文類的越界與滲透,也探知其童書寫作的主題風格及時代氛圍。本論文共分為六章。第一章 緒論,說明研究動機、前人研究成果回顧、研究過程和研究目的。第二章 六、七O年代女性童書作家與作品,說明其生平事跡、創作身分和童書的寫作,藉此了解早期台灣女作家童書書寫的創作環境。第三章 走進文本,分為現實生活的描寫、故鄉與童年憶往、民俗與歷史故事的敘述、生活札記與日記書寫共四個面向,來探討散文與生活故事的書寫。第四章 揮動想像力的翅膀,探討童話故事的書寫,藉此了解作品中表現生活教育的幻想故事、具有傳說趣味的民間故事及悠游虛構世界的歷險故事,也體會動物故事所展現的愛與友誼,再欣賞國外譯寫的經典童話,可知女作家不僅從事童書書寫,也參與譯寫的工作。第五章 藉引吭傳唱兒歌和唸誦兒童詩兩部分,來探討早期台灣女作家的兒童詩歌書寫,她們用童話和散文入詩,豐富了文類的創作。第六章 結論。本論文研究結果發現,除了肯定早期台灣女作家童書書寫的文學價值外,也試圖建構其寫作史。在童書寫作的部份,她們發展出早期創作兒童文學的理論;在文類的使用,更可見其越界與滲透的轉嫁現象。兒童是童書主要的閱讀對象,所以作品常隱含教育性的主題。當時的童書作品,文字簡單、明朗,敘事單一,亦是女作家出於肺腑所書寫,若做為現今兒童語文教育的藍本,仍有其深刻的意義。 Female authors of childrenâs books often have to take care of their families when writing. Therefore, greater perseverance and patience are required. Women have to pay more to achieve the same accomplishments. Women began to have a power in life, writing and publication. In the development of childrenâs literature in Taiwan, female authors had a great number of works from 1960 to 1979. The paper arranges the data of twenty-one female authors in Taiwan in the hope to supplement historical data of children's literature and reviews the children's books then in the hope to the female author's ideas in writing and types of material selection to explore articles' border-crossing and permeation as well as theme styles and atmosphere of the era.The paper is divided into six chapters. The first one, Introduction, explains the study motive, reviews achievements of earlier researchers and explains study methods and purposes. The second, Female Authors of Children's Books from 1960 to 1979, illustrates authors' life, composition identities, and writing of children's books in the hope to understand writing environment back then in Taiwan. Chapter III, Text, is divided into family and school life, memories of childhood and feelings of the hometown, stories in the past and folk legends, notes in life and encouragement in growth. The four dimensions explore writing of essays and life stories. The fourth, Wings of Imagination, discusses writing of children's books to understand implicit life in works, fun of folk legends and imagination stories and experience love and friendship in animal stories. From the stories by foreign authors, it is found that female authors also did transportation in addition to writing. Chapter V contains singing of children's songs, reading of children's poems to explore children's songs and poems by earlier female authors in Taiwan who enriched composition of the categories with fairy tales and essays into poems. Chapter VI is Conclusions.In addition to identifying with literature values of earlier female authors of children's books in Taiwan, the paper also attempts to establish the writing history. These authors developed earlier children's literature theory. Cross-border and transformation of permeation can be seen the literature category. Children's books are for children and they often contain implicit education theme. Works then were in simple texts and single statements. They were the results of female authors from their hearts. Such works to be blueprint of education of language for children now will be of profound meaning. |