由於網際網路的快速發展,愈來愈多的文件資料以網頁的形式來發佈。為了達到網頁應用程式的自動化,如何產生並維護網站的data wrapper就成了很重要的課題。這篇論文研究一個以瀏覽器為基礎(browser-based)的自動化Web data wrapper,它模擬使用者的瀏覽動作,這使得像AJAX的動態網頁操作可以輕易地被自動化。此外,這篇論文也使用了協同機制來提供一個建議模組讓使用者可以共享wrappers。本論文並進一步提出wrappers分解技術,將wrappers分解為一個最小的獨立單元,如此可提高重覆使用率並增加wrapper建議模組的效能。 With the rapid development of the Internet, there is a large demand on wrapping up the functions of different websites as a web-based computer application. In this paper, a browser-based web service wrapper is developed. By simulating the user actions on browsers, the dynamic web operations such as AJAX requests can be automated. Moreover, the collaborative mechanism proposed in this paper provides a way for sharing the wrappers among multiple users. By decomposing the wrappers into the smallest indecomposable units, the degree of reusability can be increased and the performance of the wrapper generation system can be enhanced.