在全球化的趨勢下,國際之間的經濟商業往來流通,日益頻繁與龐大。由於商業流程各階段的使用者所司專業領域不同,所以輔助決策的應用系統也不盡相同。因此一套圖形化工作流,整合函概製造、銷售、管理、研發,供應鏈與客戶互動等活動,就成為組織是否能夠達成目標的重要工具。工作流程規劃,使用共同的語言模型整合管理組織活動,它須要持續不斷也檢驗與改善,使商業流程優化以達到企業營運目的,提升競爭力。在設計一個新的流程時,往往到?要正式建置時,才發現原先設計?夠完備,或是發生?一些事先未設想到的?況而產生錯誤,所以需要一套很友善的、直覺式的建模及模擬分析工具。使用商業流程應用塑模 (Business Process Management Notation, BPMN)規劃並整合商業流程,比目前業界較常使用的統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)更具擴充性與互動性。本研究結合BPMN與斐氏網(Petri Net)設計與流程分析,以驗證工作流的有效性與改善效能的目的。 Under the trend of globalization, the frequency and volume of international economical and commercial activities are growing day by day. With various fields of professional in each stage of the commercial flow , establishing a graphical representation of a work flow that integrated an enterprise's manufacturing, sales, management, R&D departments, upstream manufactures, downstream manufacturers and customers became an important issue. When planning a new commercial flow, we may not know whether the initial design is completed or it may generate some errors due to unpredictable situations until the system is set to be on-line. Therefore a user –friendly modeling and simulation analysis tool is critical. Using Business Process Modeling Notation(BPMN) to plan and integrate business process is more expandable and interactive than using UML, which is very common in the industry currently. This research aims to combined BPMN and Petri Net in designing and analyzing the validity of a business process flow. Our experiments showed that it can really reach the goal of improving performance and the effectiveness of business flow.