本研究目的為設計一套適合國小中年級學童的生命教育繪本教學課程,以探討實施課程後對學童生命意義感之影響。 本研究採準實驗研究法,以台中縣某國小九十七學年度四年級兩個班級共64名學生為研究對象,實驗組學生(32人)接受為期十週,每週二節,共二十節的生命教育繪本教學課程,控制組學生(32人)在實驗期間不接受任何實驗處理。並以「生命意義感量表」為研究工具,進行前測、後測與追蹤測驗,所得資料以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計分析,並以質性資料:單元學習單、整體總回饋表、訪談,輔助量化資料分析。本研究之主要結果如下:一、生命教育繪本教學課程對國小中年級學童的「生命意義感」有立即性的影響效果。二、生命教育繪本教學課程對國小學童中年級學童的「生命意義感」與「生命的自主」層 面有持續性的影響效果。三、受試者對於生命教育繪本教學課程接受度高,且有正向的評價,顯示實驗課程具有教 學效果。最後根據研究結果提出建議以供相關單位參考。 The purpose of this study is to test the effects of teaching life education by using picture books. The picture books were used to teach middle-grade students at elementary school to make them understand the meaning of life. A quase-experimental design was applied to 2 calsses of pupils(n=64) in Taichung. The experimental group(n=32) participated in a ten-week, life education curriculum. The class was eighty minutes per weeks. The control group(n=32) received no such method of teaching. The PIL test was used to measure the outcome. The data was collected from the curriculum feedback sheets, activity sheets and interview records. The outcome was analyzed by ANCOVA, a one-way Analysis of Covariance. The data analyzed through qualification statistics analysis was then used to discuss the effects of using picture books in life education curriculum.The results of the study as follows:1.After the students have participated in the life education curriculum, it showed that using picture books had an immediate effect on students’ sense of the meaning of life.2.After the students have participated in the life education curriculum, it showed a continuous effect on the students’ sense of the meaning of life.3.The curriculum was willingly accepted by the students and the result showed a positive effect on teaching life education curriculum.Finally, according to the results, concrete suggestions were proposed to the authorities to proceed the life education.